Glennie Salon 2020 Club Entries

The Glennie Salon is an international competition of camera clubs. Each club may submit 10 images with no more than two images from any one photographer.

32 images were submitted by seven JCC club members for consideration in this year's competition. The complete set of entries can be seen here.

The final 10 entires that the club submitted were selected by a team of 2 judges.

The Final Glennie Salon judging of all images will take place at the Merrimack Valley Camera Club on 18 April. In the past it has take another few weeks for results to be available.

The 10 JCC entries are shown below in alphabetical order by club member first name.

ST. Andrews PEnguin Colony big

"St. Andrews Penguin Colony" by Bronwyn Horvath 

Baby Fur Seals Playing

"Baby Fur Seals Playing" by Bronwyn Horvath 

Plestiodon sp. _Five Line Skink

"Plestiodon sp. _Five Line Skink" by D. Charise Tanner 

Natures Hieroglyphics

"Natures Hieroglyphics" by D. Charise Tanner 

Behold the Prehensile Tongue

"Behold the Prehensile Tongue" by Jon Montigny

Spoony Tricolor Squabble

"Spoony Tricolor Squabble" by Jon Montigny 

Just Smell the Roses

"Just Smell the Roses" by Marek Pawlowicz

Break Time

"Break Time" by Marek Pawlowicz

Building His Nest big

"Building His Nest" by Richard Bryce 

Thats all the smile you get big

"King of the Canyon" by Richard Bryce

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