Clicks February 2016

FEBRUARY CLICKS                                    2016



Dewy the Dragonfly by Celia Carson won 2nd place in the 2nd quarter digital competition in the bokeh theme

Editor’s Notes February 2016

The banquet is over….just barely, and it as is customary, was better than the year before. We have a few pictures in this issue, but there should be more details, and a lot more pictures next month. These winners were taken last night, brought home, put in Clicks Sunday morning, and sent out soon thereafter. How about that for a deadline! Like the results of the late Carolina vs Pittsburg game from last night that was in the morning edition of the newspaper this morning.

The Help Corner had a big kickoff at the meeting on the 20th, with an introduction of Craig Shier, who will be in charge of the program with the help of Bronwyn Horvath. The concept of the Help Corner is to have 30 minutes before each meeting for members to bring their questions in and get answers. I will be held in the back of the room and there will be a large sign that you can’t miss.This is all cover in this issue and will start at the next meeting on February 3. 2016.

We have two world class programs this month. Don Fraser will be on the 3rd and Susan Michal will be on the 17th. Both have little write ups in this issue. I know and love Don, and his talks are famous since he is so funny, smart, and a born teacher.

Our 1st quarter JCC digital competition is just over, the Glennie will go on until February 7 (see email from Young McQueen on 1-25-16), and F3C digital starts on March 1, and goes until the 31st. Then prints are collected the two meetings in April.

At the orchid shoot, Rick Hartmann was supposed to be the technical advisor and talk about focus stacking. He couldn’t make it, but since this is a relatively new technique, I put together a short article to get people thinking. It won’t be exactly like Rick would do, and it might not be clear, but there are numerous tutorials on the internet that you can look at if you want more details….or come to the Help Corner and bring your specific questions.

The outings are all updated now in Clicks, except the technical advisors aren’t listed yet. Jan Vallely, by the way is still looking for volunteers to walk along and be available on the outings to answer questions. Points should be available for folks that volunteer to be the advisors.




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