An Evening with Chuck Shealy

Join us for a fun evening. Chuck Shealy will be critiquing your images. He promises an evening of drama and intrigue, that is, if the images you submitted have drama and intrigue.
Hold the date: August 17, the second meeting of August.
Submit your images from now until July 31.
How to Prepare and Submit Your Images
Prepare you images: In JPG format
If Landscape orientation – not to exceed 1920 px wide
If Portrait orientation – not to exceed 1080 px high.
Title your images to begin with a letter “A” to “E” (First with “A”, second with “B”, etc.).
You may submit up to five images.
Examples follow, remember no ID these are blind.
A Wind in the Trees.jpg
B Snow on the Leaves.jpg
C Rain in my Hair.jpg
D Mist on my Cheek.jpg
E Fog in my Head.jpg
For an upload link Click HERE
Use password: Jcc$107
Well done Chuck. Looking forward to your next act.
I heard nothing but positive comments and what a crowd we had.