Project Hermes is Launched
Hermes was the Greek god often portrayed as a messenger. The Roman version, Mercury, was chosen by NASA as the name as it first maned space project. That project with seven astronauts ( then a newly coined word from "aeronauts", early balloon pioneers, and "Argonauts", the Greeks in search of the Golden Fleece) relates to our seven team members that lead the Hermes initiative.
Meet project Hermes;
Each member of the club has been assigned to one of six groups, each group has been assigned to one member of the Executive Board. This member becomes the main contact person for information about the club, How to do something, how something works, whatever the member does not understand. The Hermes team member in turn has the responsibility of communicating with his group as to what is going on in the club—to lend a helping hand if you will.
You can see this is of most value to new members. The first year or two are crucial to their becoming long-term members of out club.
Rights of the Members:
You may freely change from one group to another, you need no reason, just notify the president.
You may opt out of the program altogether if you wish.
The Hermes Teams
Vice President Lloyd Granat
Bill McSherry
Brian Leonard
Charise Tanner
Chuck Shealy
George Hoskins
Jon Montigny
Keith Garrett
LaWanda Barber
Mary Hoskins
Randi Lewis
Ron Ratliff
Sharon Ratliff
Stephen Smith
TreasurerBrian Leonard
Barbara Guriak
Craig Shier
Dave Moore
Diane Cohen
Dick Cardell
Dirk Den Boef
Janel Moore
Jim Jordan
Linda Lynn
Silvia Agreda-Kostin
Tina Jordan
SecretaryGail Means
Alexandra Osborne
Andrea Wilsie
Darrel Joseph
Dee Hartmann
Dennis Adams
Diane Rabideau-Wise
Jeff Garbow
John Neel
Patrick McCormack
Philip DeLisle
Rick Hartmann
Silas Osborne
Director – RCelia Carson
Bill McSherry
Don Dymer
Don Fraser
Doug Griffin
George Barroso
Irene Ward
Jan Vallely
Jennifer Thompson
Karen Sirnick
LLoyd Granat
Michelle Argus
Paula Griffin
Rebecca Janssen
Richard Bryce
Rickey Carter
Shaun Argus
Director – S
Craig Shier
Anita Fanic
Betsy Raiford
Betty Raiford
Celia Carson
Christine Cramer
Dennis Maly
Fred Raiford
Gail Means
Hookey Hamilton
Jim Gutru
Julius Dean
Mark Phillips
Neala McCarten
Phil Cope
Ted Floore Jr
Venetia Delance
Director – T
Charise Tanner
Betsy Smith
Bill Coppedge
Bronwyn Horvath
Chris Cordero
Craig Monroe
Dave Wholey
David James
Debbie Cooper
Debbie Deinstadt
Duffy McCoy
Kathy Jaworski
Marek Pawlowicz
Richard Wallace
Robert Clark
Tanya Metaksa
Young McQueen