Whipple Company Store
7485 Okey L Patteson Road
Scarbro, WV 25917
(304) 465-0331
Closed Tuesday Open May 1 – Nov 1 11-6
Hear the stories, legends and lore that make the West Virginia coal mining era a heritage not to be forgotten. This very unique architectural structure sold everything from candy to caskets and was the center of the coal camp life. The basement contains rare photography and printing equipment and two cameras similar to the one shown above.
I’m not a fan of guided tours but without the information provided by our guide, it would have been just another old building. Leave your camera equipment in the car, pay the fee for the whole building tour and after the tour you can visit every room of the house and photograph on your own. The incredible architecture (and I do mean incredible), historic photos, home and mining implements of the era and West Virginia mining history changed the 30 minute tour to several hours and that was before the photography and printing press room was opened to the public.
Photographers are welcomed as are your tripods.
Scarbro, WV, is 174 miles via interstate 64 from Waynesboro, Va., our central location for October, 2016 outing. Oak Hill has hotels and restaurants and is a few minutes from Whipple Company Store. Joy Lynn, the latest owner and museum curator, is a great guide. Please call before you go to make sure she will be available.