Dirk Says Hi to All of his Friends

An Amazing friend and colleague

Charise, Rick and I went to visit Dirk Sunday and he was as chipper as ever. Except for spending most of his time in bed, you’d never know that he was sick. He usually doesn’t talk about when he was 14 and the Nazis invaded his country during WWII., but we got him started and it was a harrowing adventure to hear about the young teenager. The Nazis were not such nice guys and because the food was hard to come by, Dirk and friends had to use their imagination just to survive.

He showed us a neat book that was written in Dutch, that was about his hometown Alblasserdam. Some of the den Boefs were in the book in a high school picture.

Dirk and Mavis love the club as you all know and wanted to thank you all for thinking about them.