JCC Outings
The Jacksonville Camera Club has one or two outings every month. This is the most popular activity of the club. The outings afford new shooting opportunities, companionship during the shoot, ability to confer with more experienced shooters or to help those with less experience.

Sunset at Marineland
St. Augustine Alligator Farm
Kanapaha Gardens
University of Florida's
McGuire Center for Lepidoptera & Biodiversity
Mat Cutting Workshop
Augustine Landing Portraits
Dudley Farm State Historical Park
St. Augustine Founders Day
Springfield Porchfest
Karpeles Museum
George L. Smith State Park
EFG Orchids
Olustee Reenactment
Scottish Games, Green Cove Springs

Jacksonville Zoo
Clay County Fair
Callaway Gardens
Stephen Foster State Park,
Okefenokee Swamp,
Fargo, Ga.
Beach Portraits
The Dean Editing Technique
Still Life Workshop
Clark Photo Specifics
St John's Cty. Cracker Day Celebration
Shenandoah Valley
Night Photography
Viera Wetlands
Light Painting Workshop
Alpine Grove Park