The Beaches Photography Club would like to extend an invite for JCC members to attend a virtual presentation By Lewis Kemper on Tuesday, January 19th at 6pm.
A link to the Zoom meeting will be available here:
Meeting ID: 610 132 5068
Passcode: BPCMeeting
Passcode: BPCMeeting

About Lewis Kemper:
LEWIS KEMPER is widely recognized as a photographer, writer, and instructor, lecturing throughout the United States. He currently is a Contributing Editor to Outdoor Photographer. Books include, “Ancient Ancestors of the Southwest”, published by Graphic Arts Center Publishing; “Capturing the Light” which won the People’s Choice Awards in Fine Art in the 2009 Photography.Book.Now competition; and His “Photographing Yosemite Digital Field Guide” which was voted in the top 20 field guides. . Lewis’ training videos have been used by thousands of photographers, helping them with their photographic and post processing skills. Lewis is currently a “Tamron Ambassador.” You can visit his website at
About the virtual presentation topic:
Light, Color and Composition: Tips to improve your photography – Photography isn’t rocket science! If you pay attention to the basics of light, color and composition and learn how to use these elements to your advantage, your photography will improve. Learn how to use color relations to help you compose, just as your line, shape and form. Understand how the direction and quality of light effects your images. Pay attention to rules of composition to engage the viewers interest. Taking good pictures isn’t a matter of equipment, it is a matter of seeing and capturing what you want to convey. Stepping back and reinforcing how to get great captures will elevate your images to the next level.