The Weekly is a publication of the Jacksonville Camera Club. It provides a heads up of the coming events and announcements of a timely nature. It contains both Club events and other items of interest to members. If you have feedback or something to announce please see directions in the sidebar. Thanks for reading.
Coming Events
Check out the online video explaining the Photoshop Summit V being broadcast on September 19 at noon. Sign up HERE.
Next Meeting
This meeting program will be the results of the Mono competition. The judge is Will Dickey who will present his comments. Mr. Dickey will also be the program speaker at the October 19 meeting.
Club Facebook page
- The Club Facebook page now regularly features a photo challenge. Currently the topic for the photo challenge is #jccrainbows. The name says it all!
People's Choice
The remaining 2023 People's Choice Categories can be found Here.
Other notable comings & goings!- Looking for volunteers to serve on the Nominating Committee for next year's officers
More JCC Contest info:
The collection of the prints for the last print contest of the year is on October 5 and October 19
The submittals for the last digital contest of the year begins on September 8 and ends October 7. The themes are 'General', 'Reflections', and '3 of a Kind'.
Photoshop Summit V
October 30-November 3
As has been mentioned before a new series of classes entitled Photoshop Summit V will include all the latest and coolest new techniques that have been introduced in Photoshop this past year. 20 Instructors each doing two classes over the course of 5 days. Any attendee can watch the classes for a full 48 hours after they are scheduled to begin. For those who have not watched any Summits, which were started during the pandemic, the instructors are world class and the subjects they will be covering can be found at this link. To sign up for the Summit click here.
If you have not signed up for the Photoshop Summit V, Dave Cross, the host and moderator, is having an online webinar to answer questions concerning the Summit. That will be had on September 19 at noon EDT. If you are at all interested you might want to sign up for that webinar. It can be found HERE. He will send out some reminders and if you sign up and can't make it live, he will have a recording available.
Last Quarter of 2023 News
- The Beaches Photography Club has invited the JCC and the St Augustine Camera Club to their December 5 meeting to welcome internationally renowned and award winning photographer Todd Gustafson (https://www.gustafsonphotosafari.net/) for a special presentation at the Beaches Branch Library on A1A in Neptune Beach. The program is titled “Walking and Chewing Gum at the Same Time." The meetings start at 5:45P.
- The Friends of Crooked River State Park (https://www.facebook.com/friendsofcrookedriverstatepark/) have announced a photo contest. Entries in the contest are to be emailed to The Friends of Crooked River State Park (friendsofcrookedriver@gmail.com) contest thru December 31
And its 2024.....
Annual Banquet news:
- looking for volunteers to help Anita and Peter for the annual banquet
- the annual banquet will be Saturday February 10 or 17 at the Ramada in Mandarin
Find the Club...
...on Facebook!
Our Facebook Group is very active with many members posting their photos. Many members have posted their photos from last week's outing. Be sure to check it out for activities of interest, winning photos, and more!
...on the Blog!
Don't forget to check back with our Blog Page often. There is good information posted frequently that you won't want to miss!