The Weekly is a publication of the Jacksonville Camera Club. It provides a heads up of the coming events and announcements of a timely nature. It contains both Club events and other items of interest to members. If you have feedback or something to announce please see directions in the sidebar. Thanks for reading.
Coming Events
Next Meeting: Thursday, September 15, 2022
Our next meeting at SOTW Southside takes place on September 15, 2022
Next Contests
The T3 Print contest submittal dates are: Oct 6 and Oct 20.
The D3 Digital contest submittal dates are: Sept 9 – Oct 7, and the themes are General, Minimalist and Backlighting. A description of these themes can be found here -
To view all upcoming events, including future Meetings, Outings, Contests, etc., please visit the Schedules page on our website. The Weekly Editor apologizes for a two-day delay in publishing The Weekly, due to an inability to log onto the website.
From the Weekly Editor
If you have information that you want included in The Weekly, please send me an email to tmetaksa@me.com by 6pm Friday.
Club Contests
People's Choice: The August winners have been announced and they can be found here.
Educational Opportunities
Educational online classes are updated as soon as the Education Chair becomes aware of them and there is a new blog post for September. There are several new classes from Landscape Photography to Taking you Photos from Good to Great. Also there are two new youtube.com tutorials available from Ben Willmore and Matt Kloskowski.
Additionally there will be a Lightroom Virtual Summit during the entire first week in October.
As with prior Virtual Summits the classes will be available for 48 hours after their original viewing time for Free and then there will be a charge to be able to watch them again at your leisure. The charge before the Summit starts was $99 in the past and then after the Summit began it jumped to $149. Please do not hold me to these charges as I have nothing to do with this Post-Processing program.
The Education Chair updates online classes as they become available. Listings of free classes dwindled over the summer but they seem to be increasing as September/October listing become available. Check out the Education page new Youtube tutorials have been added to the growing list of available recommended tutorials.
Find the Club...
...on Facebook!
Our Facebook Group is very active with many members posting their photos. Be sure to check it out for activities of interest, winning photos, and more!
...on the Blog!
Don't forget to check back with our Blog Page often. There is good information posted frequently that you won't want to miss!