The Weekly is a publication of the Jacksonville Camera Club. It provides a heads up of the coming events and announcements of a timely nature. It contains both Club events and other items of interest to members. If you have feedback or something to announce please see directions in the sidebar. Thanks for reading.
Coming Events
Next Meeting
Club Facebook page
- The Club Facebook page now regularly features a photo challenge. Currently the topic for the photo challenge is #jccsummerfun. The name says it all!
People's Choice
The remaining 2023 People's Choice Categories can be found Here. September's category for People's Choice is BARE FEET.
Other notable comings & goings!
- The F3C prints will be collected at the September 7 meeting only
- Looking for volunteers to serve on the Nominating Committee for next year's officers
More Contest info:
The collection of the prints for the last print contest of the year is on October 5 and October 19
The submittals for the last digital contest of the year begins on September 8. The themes are 'General', 'Reflections', and '3 of a Kind'.
Photoshop Summit V
October 30-November 3
As has been mentioned before a new series of classes entitled Photoshop Summit V will include all the latest and coolest new techniques that have been introduced in Photoshop this past year. 20 Instructors each doing two classes over the course of 5 days. Any attendee can watch the classes for a full 48 hours after they are scheduled to begin. For those who have not watched any Summits, which were started during the pandemic, the instructors are world class and the subjects they will be covering can be found at this link. To sign up for the Summit click here.
Annual Banquet news:
- looking for volunteers to help Anita and Peter for the annual banquet
- the annual banquet will be Saturday February 10 or 17 at the Ramada in Mandarin
Meet a new Member
Mary Roesler

Thank you for allowing me to be part of JCC. I’m excited to meet everyone and to learn all I can. For introduction purposes, I am Mary, and a transplant from New York. I work at a corporate law firm in the litigation department as a legal secretary, and was able to transfer to our Jacksonville office in 2022. I started photography with the Coolpix P900 about 4 years ago and was/am in love with that camera. I dabbled in taking pictures at the dog park while I was there with my own little love (Sally Girl). During covid we were locked in pretty tight in NY. Our offices in Manhattan shut down, which left me stir-crazy in a shoebox of an apartment. I had heard of a Bald Eagle nest and decided to try to find it, which was a successful venture. There, I met 3 wonderful ladies holding their very large cameras and lenses, along with tripods and other equipment. I felt like I stepped into a scene from the Terminator! Anyway, I was intrigued to learn what they had. They showed me their pictures and I was amazed. One photographer in particular, Nancy, told me I was not going to get the shots I wanted with the camera I had. She suggested a few cameras and told me where to get them, along with lenses. Still, I was happy just being near the nest and watching these beautiful birds. The Bald Eagles provided a comfort I didn’t even realize I needed during covid. Watching Bald Eagles train 3 juveniles from being small fuzzy beings to strong, instinctive and bold hunters was mind blowing. I did some research on various cameras as Nancy had suggested and bit the bullet – I purchased the Nikon D850 along with a Tamron and 2 smaller Nikkor lenses.
The camera arrived about a week later and I RAN to the Bald Eagle nest in the hopes of seeing Nancy or one of the other helpful ladies. She showed me some helpful settings. Another woman, Jill, gave me tips on how to photograph Bald Eagles specifically so the heads don’t wash out, etc. I’ve always dabbled in the arts, whether it be on a canvas or performing on stage as a singer. Photography, however, is new! It has room for personal growth, artistic perception and endless experiences. My heart belongs to Bald Eagles and wildlife in general, but I also love scenery - a simple cloud or dark storm rolling in. One day I’ll learn how to grab the color of the moon! I also enjoy shooting candid pictures at events, whether it be sports, performing arts or a baby crawling on the floor. Action! I am passionate to learn all I can, and I am very much looking forward to JCC and a new journey through the lens!

Find the Club...
...on Facebook!
Our Facebook Group is very active with many members posting their photos. Many members have posted their photos from last week's outing. Be sure to check it out for activities of interest, winning photos, and more!
...on the Blog!
Don't forget to check back with our Blog Page often. There is good information posted frequently that you won't want to miss!