The Weekly is a publication of the Jacksonville Camera Club. It provides a heads up of the coming events and announcements of a timely nature. It contains both Club events and other items of interest to members. If you have feedback or something to announce please see directions in the sidebar. Thanks for reading.
Information of Interest
Glennie Nature Salon
Awards Banquet Information
Club Facebook Page
Make sure to like us for activities of interest, winning photos, and more!
December People's Choice Winners
The Theme was Repetition of Objects. First Place - Karen Sirnick - Eyes On The Prize; Second Place - Ted Floore - Green Plates and Third Place - Phil Cope - Mormon Temple
Member Gallery Spotlight
Each week we will feature a different member's gallery. This week is Linda Lynn!
Member Gallery Past Features
Miss a week? Check out these past features!
Young McQueen - https://sites.google.com/view/young-portfolio/
Craig Shier - https://cwshier.com/
Kathy Jaworski - https://kathyjaworski.myportfolio.com/
Caroline Peppiatt - https://carolinepeppiatt.smugmug.com/
Happy Birthday to Our Club Members!
Happy December Birthday to these members!
Shaun Argus - December 3
Rick Hartmann - December 24
We'd love to help celebrate your birthday with the club! This form is completely optional, but we'd love it if you could complete it in order to share your birthday (just month and day) with us. Use the form below to tell us the big day!
Help Wanted
There is almost always a job within the Club that needs filling. Have your request show up here.
Quote of the Week
“Photography helps people to see.”
- Berenice Abbott
Contribute to The Weekly
Have news of a timely nature or an event that is interesting to photographers. Just complete the form via the green button.