The Weekly is a publication of the Jacksonville Camera Club. It provides a heads up of the coming events and announcements of a timely nature. It contains both Club events and other items of interest to members. If you have feedback or something to announce please see directions in the sidebar. Thanks for reading.
Coming Events
Next Meeting: Thursday, January 20, 2022
Our next meeting takes place on Thursday, January 20, 2022.
*Please note: All our meetings and will take place at SOTW Southside from now on. Please see the New Announcements below for more details!
To view all upcoming events, including future Meetings, Outings, Contests, etc., please visit the Schedules page on our website.
Club Contests
Monthly People's Choice.
You can view the winners from December here.
People's Choice returned live the first meeting in January and the theme was General. The winning prints will be announced next meeting. The theme for February will be Self Portrait. Visit the contest page for all details about this and upcoming contest.
Triannual Print Contest
JCC hosts Triannual Print Contests and One Monochrome Print Contest. In 2022 those contests will be scheduled in January, April, Monochrome in July, and October. Visit the contest page* for all contest details, to find the print label and to submit the digital version of your entry. Visit the Schedules page to review all upcoming dates and themes.
Triannual Digital Contest - 3rd Triannual Results
JCC hosts Triannual Digital Contests. In 2022 there will be three Digital Contests: February, June and September.
Visit the contest page* to enter and for all details. Visit the Schedules page to review all upcoming dates and themes.
*You must be logged in to access this page.
New Member Announcements
December New Members
Russ Jefferson-Russ moved back to Jacksonville in April 2020 after seeing much of the U.S. one job at a time. He worked in banking, specifically consumer credit card issuing, for over 40 years and is happy to say he's retired. He is married to a Jacksonville native and they have one son, a daughter-in-law and a grandson.
Russ played in photography since high school. His father was an avid landscape photographer. He currently shoots with a Nikon D750 and an iPhone. He particularly likes sports and landscape photography.
Tara McClintock also joined in December. Tara was an aircraft mechanic for the P-3 Orion in the US Navy for 16 years. After leaving the navy she and her husband opened WOWza Realty in Kingsland, Ga. She enjoys travel, making cards and networking. Tara is a Nikon shooter.
Bill Barfield also joined in December. He is a Canon user and prefers to photograph landscapes and birds. He works at FSCJ and is in charge of the vocational Insurance and Financial Services pre-licensing programs.
Our newest member, Patricia Stout, recently moved from Pennsylvania to Kingsland, Georgia, near her daughter, Tara McClintock. Patricia lived overseas for 30 years in Zaire and Germany among other locations.
Patricia shoots with a Nikon D750 and her favorite lens is the Nikon 70-300. She loves macro, nature and landscape photography. Favorite locations are the Okeefenokee, Alaska and any zoo or aquarium.
She and her husband have four children and four grandsons.
Awards Banquet February, 2022
The JCC Award Banquet will be held Saturday, February 19, 2022. Registration is now open.
Use the link below for all banquet information and registration.
Meet the 2022 Club Officers & Directors
At the last meeting, the nominating committee, represented by Charise Tanner, presented the slate of candidates for the 2022 Club Officers & Directors. These candidates were elected by acclimation. Here are your representatives:
President: Craig Shier
Vice-President: Ted Floore
Treasurer: Young McQueen
Secretary: Diane Cohen
Director: Tim Davis
Director: Karen Sirnick
Director: Dave Wholey
Congratulations to our new leadership, and thank you to those who served the club in 2021!
It's Time to Renew Your Club Membership
It's that time of year again...club dues can be paid online. Visit the About > "Members Pay Dues Here" menu to complete the form.
Educational Opportunities
Educational opportunities online are re-energized for 2022
The Education page that one can access from the Resources Menu at the log-in page is now adding new 2022 online seminars. Tanya Metaksa, the Education Chair, is in charge of this page. She will be posting blog articles, webinars, and various tutorials and educational materials here. A very recent addition is being offered by Matt Kloskowski that many members might want to take advantage of--he is offering a Free 3-week program that he calls Photography Fresh Start 2022. If you are interested the sign up link is Here.
To view the education page, you must be logged into the website. From the member menu, click on Resources > Education. If you want to access the Adobe Max seminars click on Resources > Education > Adobe Max. Happy learning!
Find the Club...
...on Facebook!
Make sure to like our Facebook Page for activities of interest, winning photos, and more!
In addition to our public page, there is now a NEW members only, private Facebook Group. All club members are welcome to join. In this group, you may post images and interact with other group members. Visit the blog for more details!
...on the Blog!
Don't forget to check back with our Blog Page often. There is good information posted frequently that you won't want to miss!
Contribute to The Weekly
Have news of a timely nature or an event that is interesting to photographers? Just complete the form via the green button.