We are joining the Beaches Photo Club for a moonrise photo opportunity on the beaches and rocks of the River to Sea Preserve in Palm Coast.
This August will have two full moon appearances in the same month. Both will find the moon at its closest approach to Earth giving a larger than usual apparent size. The rocks and surf provide an interesting foreground opportunities .
Date July 31, 2023
Time 7:30 to 9:00 PM
Admission Fees
9805 N Ocean Shore Blvd. (A1A) Palm Coast FL
Contact - Dave Wholey
904 22 4004
Parking Info - Preserve parking lot
Entrance Info - Preserve parking lot 7:15/30
Any carpooling will need to be privately arranged.
With the evening shoot, there is no planned dining for the outing
Schedule of Events
Plan to arrive at the parking lot by 7:30.
Access to the beach is across A1A from the parking lot. The path is a short loose sand trail that drops onto the beach. Walking time from the lot is about 7 minutes.The walk to the beach will still be bright enough without a light. The trip back will be in the dark.
Moonrise is at 7:55 but will likely not be visible through the marine haze until about 8:15 ish. You should have your shot position set before that. Moonrise is fairly rapid getting too high and bright for single shot image by 8:30.
Tripods are needed for your best shots.
14 / 24mm or 24 / 70mm zooms will work well here for general shots. Split ND filters can be used here to tame the Moon's brightness particularly as it climbs.
Consider full ND filters to smooth out wave action.
Other Tips
Is the area handicapped accessible? Should I bring bug spray? Should I get there early to claim a good spot? Etc.
From Jacksonville, I95 S to FLA 206 exit, head west to A1A (N Ocean Shore Blvd), South on A1A to the Preserve entrance on the right about two miles south of Marineland.