We are returning again to the Alligator Farm and the it's wading bird rookery that offers unparalleled shooting opportunities at this time of year.
The birds, all present species, are in full family building mode. Courting, nest building, egg laying, incubating, some hatching, food runs, hundreds of birds going about their individual missions many at the same time, very busy.
The opportunities to capture interesting subjects doing interesting things are abundant.
Date April 15, 2023
Time 9:00 with park opening, Early admission for annual pass holders
Admission Fees
Admission charge is $34.99, Seniors are less 10%
999 Anastasia Blvd.
St. Augustine, FL 32080
Contact - Dave Wholey
904 322 4004
Parking Info - Free parking in the lots adjacent to the Farm
Entrance Info - Meet at 9 AM in the lot by the main entrance.
No transportation provided through the club. Car pooling through direct conversation between members.
Lunch arrangements will be made at the Conch House for those wishing to attend.
Schedule of Events
The park opens at 9 AM for general admission. We will meet in the main entrance area for the 9AM opening. Members with photographer's pass entering earlier will meet up as later arriving members come in.
There are no planned events so shooting at your own pace is the order of the day.
We will schedule lunch for 12 PM for those wishing to attend.
Long lenses, telephotos are in order today so, tripods and or monopods will likely be helpful in holding focus. Because there will be many opportunities to get unusually close to birds in the rookery, wide and mid range zooms will also be in play.
Other Tips
Like other wetland areas in Florida, bugs will be present so, bug spray should be considered.
The park is south of the Bridge of Lions in St Augustine on A1A, Anastasia Blvd.