While there are many places in Florida to photograph birds few can meet the opportunities that are present at the St Augustine Alligator Farm particulary in Rookery season.
We are returning to it on Friday April 19th for a planned but optional all day shoot. The lighting changes from morning to afternoon and those differences can be dramatic. Bird activity also changes throughout the day increasing the chances for something different.
We plan on shooting through the morining, depart for a group lunch around 11:30 and re conviene at the Farm for those wishing to continue for the afternoon shooting session.
Date April 19th 2024
Time 9:00 AM Earlier for those members with Photo passes
Admission Fees
$35.99 Adults 12
$20.99 Children {3 - 11}
Tickets can be purchased day of event or on line.
999 Anastasia Blvd, St Augustine, FL
Contact - Name of Leader Dave Wholey
904 322 4004
Parking Info - Alligator Farm Parking lot
Entrance Info - Main entrence 9:00 AM or earlier if you have a Photo pass. If you wish to arrive later, do so and meet with other members inside.
Schedule of Events
We have no scheduled group event within the Farm. We do have a planned group lunch for those wishing to attend at noon.
This has been an annual event for many years so most members have experience preferences for equiptment.
But for members new to the site, mid zooms 24 -200 and / or longer tele lenses 100 / 500 are certainly usable here. Tripods can be used here but be mindful that there will likely be a crowd prticularly in the morning.
Other Tips
Sun protection needs to be a consideration (hopefully) so sun screen, hats etc are recommended. Bugs enjoy Florida as much as we do but particularly so in and around the rookery and gator pond. Liberal bug spray will help to keep you focused on shooting, not swatting.
Nothing special here, just your quickest way to and through central St Augustine to Anastasia Blvd.