The beach location at River to Sea Preserve along with both the sky position and timing for the Milky Way's appearance offers a good opportunity to capture images of it.
Event is clear sky dependent. Forecasts will be monitored, any change if necessary will be posted to Facebook.
Date June 10, 2023, Rain date June 11th
Time 9:00 PM
Admission Fees
Contact - Name of Leader Dave Wholey
904 322 4004
Parking Info - River to Sea Lot, east side A1A
Entrance Info - South end of the lot by 9:00 PM
All transportation by personal car, carpool by individual arrangement.
No food option planned for this night time event.
Schedule of Events
We will meet at the south end of the River to Sea preserve parking lot at 9:00 PM and proceed to the beach for set up to shoot by 10 PM. Shooting opportunities will last at least through midnight with the Milky Way rising higher through the night.
Wide and Ultra wide angle lenses 14 through 24 mm are suggested for this shoot. Long exposures 15 to 20 seconds require tripods, remote releases are suggested.
Other Tips
Beach access is limited, the beach is un even with rocky areas so flash or head lights are suggested. Lens covers or a cloth to cover the lens between shots are recommended to minimize dew forming.
I 95 south to Fl 206 exit. Head east on FL 206 to A1A at Crescent Beach A1A. South to River to Sea Preserve about 1/2 mile past Marineland, parking lot on the left, meet up at the south end of the parking lot at 9:00 PM