JCC Olustee Images
5818 Battlefield Trail Road
Highway 90
Sanderson, Florida 32087

This park commemorates the site of Florida's largest Civil War battle, which took place February 20, 1864. More than 10,000 cavalry, infantry and artillery troops fought a five-hour battle in a pine forest near Olustee. Three U.S. Colored Troops took part in the battle, including the now famous 54th Massachusetts. The battle ended with 2,807 casualties and the retreat of Union troops to Jacksonville until the war's end just 14 months later. In 1912, when many living Civil War veterans still attended reunions, the battlefield became the state's first historic site. A reenactment is held every February and is an excellent photographic event.
Notes: Get there early! Troops march to the Presentation of Colors before 8a.m. You may enter as early as 7a.m. to capture life in the tent areas. The later you arrive, the further away you will park.
Equipment advised is "everyday" lens and a telephoto lens. A tripod would be especially good in the afternoon at the battlefield used with a telephoto.