The meeting was opened at 7 pm.
Upcoming Programs
4th Quarter Print Contest – Chuck Shealy will present the results on December 6th.
Upcoming Outings
November 4th – Fort Clinch State Park Fernandina.
November 30th- St. Augustine Night of Lights…Beyond the Post Card Shot.
Leader: Jan Gemeinhardt
Upcoming Contests
Julius Dean has made a call for all Prints going to the FCCC Annual contest. Please bring them no later than the first meeting in January.
People’s Choice Dogs, Cats and Pets has been moved to the 2nd meeting in January. The first meeting in January will be Fall Colors.
The Christmas Party will be on December 9th at the Horvath’s house. Please sign up online.
The Annual Banquet will be on January 27th. You can sign up and pay on the website.
The 4th Quarter Digital Results presented by Charise Tanner.