The meeting was open at 7 pm.
Upcoming Programs
November 15th – 4th Quarter Digital results will be presented by Charise Tanner.
December 6th – 4th Quarter Print Results will be presented by Chuck Shealy.
Upcoming Contests
FCCC – 3rd Triannual Digital contest will be open until November 30th.
People’s Choice on December 6th will be Dogs, Cats and Pets.
Upcoming Outings
November 4th- Fort Clinch State Park, Fernandina. Leader: Craig Shier
November 20th – St. Augustine Night of Lights. Leader: Jan Gemeinhardt
2018 Board and Directors
The 2018 has been elected and established by proclamation.
President- Brian Leonard
Vice President- Bill McSherry
Treasurer- Les Satz
Secretary – Gail Means
Directors- Kathy Jaworski, Julius Dean and Paula Griffin
New Business
Brian Leonard talked about the upcoming “Tricks or Trunks” at the church and asked for volunteers to photograph the event.
Presidents Service Award – Nominations are being accepted for the President’s consideration.
The Christmas Party will be held on December 9th at the Horvath’s house. Please sign up on the website and indicate what dish you will bring.
The Annual Banquet will be held on January 27th. Young McQueen talked about how to sign up and pay for the event online.
Charise Tanner talked about how to submit pictures for our online contests.
Julius Dean handed out ribbons from previous FCCC contests and talked about webinars sponsored by FCCC. You can go on their website under Resources/Education to learn more.
“Photographing Ancient Churches under Low Lighting Conditions” presented by Craig Shier.