The meeting was opened by President Gordon Ira at 7 PM.
Upcoming Programs:
On June 6th Charise Tanner will present the results of the 2nd Quarter Digital Contest.
Upcoming Competitions:
JCC 3rd Quarter Digital will be open from June 1-30.
F3C 2nd Triannual prints are due to Julius Dean this evening.
JCC People’s Choice on June 6th.
Upcoming Outings:
June 17th Mark Pariani
July 11th Darrel Joseph leads a “Walk through the Cummer Museum”
November Mike Rexroad leads a trip to Fort Clinch
Rick Hartmann is the new Editor for the JCC website. He discussed how to create your directory member listing.
Creative Interest Group:
President Ira reminded members to submit their shots for the next Creative Interest Group assignment.
The assignment is a picture with an unusual perspective. Looks for them in the June Clicks.
F3C Information:
Julius Dean discussed the upcoming F3C contests and distributed ribbons from previous contests.
He also discussed the upcoming Camera and Equipment Swap Meet.
Young McQueen gave an update on the website and new procedures for submitting digital images for contests.
Jennifer Thompson introduced new members and guests.
People’s Choice:
Tina Jordan introduced the topic for the next People’s Choice contest. The topic will be Weeds, Grasses or Flowers.
Tom Brooks presented a program on Paper and Printing.