Minutes of Meeting- January 18, 2017

The meeting was opened by the President, Gordon Ira, at 7:00 pm.

Upcoming Meetings:

The president announced the next meeting by Don Fraser on February 1, entitled “All About Color” and the following meeting by Bill McSherry entitled, “Still Life/Close up Techniques” on February 15th.

Upcoming Competitions:

  • First Quarter Prints F3C – Due to Julius Dean on January 18th
  • First Quarter Prints JCC- Due by January 30th
  • First Quarter Prints JCC- Due the first or second meeting in February

Upcoming Outings:

  • February 4th  Hoggetowne Medieval Faire (Leaders-Betty and Fred Raiford)
  • February 28-March 1 Mike Moats Seminar on Macro-photography
  • March 30-31 Cumberland Island (Leader- Brian Leonard)

Upcoming 2017 Banquet:

The banquet is on track for January 28th. Organizer Andrea Wilsie talked about the raffle prizes that are a new addition to this year’s festivities.


The Lighting group will not meet in January but resume in February with Olivia Hartmann as the model.

F3C News:

Julius Dean congratulated the winners of the F3C Year-end Print Competition which included Darrell Joseph, Chuck Shealy and Jon Montigny.

The F3C Conference is coming up in March and tickets are available on the website.

People’s Choice:

Next month’s People’s Choice competition will be “Person or People”

New Members or Visitors:



Jack Stephenson mentioned that he had sold some pictures with the Alamy Stock Agency and recommended that members consider selling their work on the site.


The raffle brought in 30.5 dollars for the club.


Jan Vallely presented “2017 Outings in Review.”

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