Minutes of Meeting 2016 11 2



The first meeting of November 2016, was held at Shepherd of the Woods Retreat Center, 6595 Columbia Park Court, Jacksonville, FL 32258-2414.

Business Meeting

Gordon Ira, President, called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.

Bill Coppedge reported that the Nominating Committee nominated the following officers for 2017: President, Gordon Ira, Vice President, Craig Shier, Secretary, Bronwyn Horvath, Treasurer, Jim Jordan, and Directors Lynda Smith, Julius Dean, and Brian Leonard. There were no nominations from the floor. A motion to accept these nominations was made and approved by the Club.

Gordon Ira reviewed the dates for upcoming competitions, outings, and events.

Gordon Ira discussed the following:

–The Night Photography outing for November 12 is cancelled.

–Dr. Christine Cook, with F3C, will conduct a Judging Seminar on November 12, at our meeting location. There will be F3C webinars on December 3 and January 18; information is available on the F3C website.

–The St. Augustine Night of Lights Outing will be held on December 2; a leader is needed.

–The Club Christmas Party will be held on December 10 at Bronwyn’s home. Sign up will be on the website. A map will be provided, as GPS directions will be inaccurate.

— The LPIG will meet on November 30. Cole will be the model.

— The SOTW has a photography course, and would appreciate donations of Point and Shoot cameras.

Julius Dean presented the following F3C monochrome competition awards:

Bill McSherry, two 1st place and two 2nd place, Bronwyn Horvath, a 1st place, a 4th place, and two HMs, Robert Clark, a 2nd place, and Brian Leonard, an HM.

Julius stated that the F3C digital competition is now open. He stated that there will be an F3C Conference and Trade Show in March 2017, in Ft. Meyers.

Don Clark presented the President with a Certificate from PSA, for our Club’s membership in PSA for fifty five years. Charise Tanner will be our PSA representative next year.

Don Dymer reported that the Club shirt order will be placed at the end of this week.

Brian Leonard reported that the photo shoot of the SOTW Trick-R-Trunk event was a success. Photos will be provided to the church.

Jim Jordan reminded the Club to make reservations for the Annual Banquet.

Gail Means reminded Members to “Like” our Club Facebook page.

Programs at next meetings: The meeting on November 16 will be the results of the Quarterly Digital competition. Bronwyn Horvath will present a program on a trip to Antarctica, on December 7.

People’s Choice Contest: Kim Pitcock announced tonight’s winners: 3rd – Phil Cope, 2nd – Duffy McCoy, and 1st – Les Satz. The theme was Harvest. The theme next month is Food. Tina Jordan will lead People’s Choice in 2017.

50/50: Jim Gutru won $29 in the 50/50.

Bragging Rights: Craig Shier published a book, Not Carved in Stone. The cover photo is an image he took. Duffy McCoy has created Greeting Cards with her photos; they are for sale in a UPS Store.

Guests:  Janice Nieman visited tonight.

New Members: None.

Program:  The results of the 4th Quarter Print Competition were presented tonight.