The second meeting of June 2016, was held at Shepherd of the Woods Retreat Center, 6595 Columbia Park Court, Jacksonville, FL 32258-2414.
Gordon Ira, President, called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.
Gordon Ira reviewed the dates for upcoming competitions, outings, and events.
Gordon Ira discussed the following:
–The LPIG will meet on June 30th. The meetings continue to be held at Gordon’s home.
— The Beach Portrait outing will be held on the evening of June 25th.
— The July and August outings, lead by Julius Dean and Darrel Joseph, will be held at our meeting location.
— The August 3rd meeting will be a Sell, Buy, and Swap event. Members are encouraged to bring equipment they no longer need.
— Julius Dean will now be our F3C representative.
Julius Dean presented F3C Awards to the following members: Marek Pawlowicz, Gordon Ira, Duffy McCoy, Young McQueen, Julius Dean, and Bronwyn Horvath. Julius received three awards, and Bronwyn received two awards.
Julius Dean discussed an email from F3C seeking input regarding a workshop on Judging. Members who are interested in this should email their comments to Julius.
Young McQueen stated that we will have Blind Critique night on August 17th. Members can submit images for feedback on improvement. The details have been provided in an email; images should be submitted by the end of July.
Young McQueen discussed the website. There are now new links for the Digital Competition. The new website theme will be launched on July 4th. Members need to go through a one-time process of registration, by completing a form, and receiving a temporary password.
Charise Tanner discussed the next Digital Competition. For the Composite theme, members should combine two or more images into one image, in a creative way. For this theme, members may submit an image that exceeds the normal criteria regarding the date it was taken.
Program at next meeting: The July 6th program will be presented by Mark Pariani.
People’s Choice Contest: Kim Pitcock announced that the theme next month is: Motion or Fast.
50/50: Robert Clark won $20 in the 50/50.
Bragging Rights: None.
Guests: Pete & Mary Gonzaley and Diane Wise visited tonight.
New Members: Mike Rexroad is a new member.
Program: Stephen Smith presented the results of the 2nd Quarter Print Competition. Kevin Floyd, our judge, was present. END