Minutes of JCC Board Meeting-April 21, 2018 – Mandarin Branch Library – Conference Room – 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

In Attendance
Brian Leonard Mike Rexroad
Young McQueen John Neel
Kathy Jaworski Julius Dean
Jennifer Thompson Jim Jordan
Bill McSherry Gail Means

Not in Attendance
Paula Griffin Jan Vallely Don Dymer

Brian Leonard opened meeting at 10:10 a.m.

Approval of minutes from February meeting – Brian Leonard – Bill McSherry seconded and passed.

Treasurer’s Report and Update – Jim Jordan – Donating to SOTW Foundation of $150.00 did the same thing this time last year – Jim and Brian made decision on submitting. Young McQueen moved approval of $150.00 for annual Fun Run and seconded by Jennifer Thompson – passed.

Discussion on upping the amount of donation to $500 but possibility of just doing additional things for the SOTW. Just be aware of the what is going on at SOTW and doing other services.
The president is always the liasion with SOTW.

Website and Webmaster Update – Young McQueen going thru Board report of website….
Suggestion Box has been added to the website —homepage below the fold.
Page has been added to the site: About|Awards
It is a WIP but viewable.
Issue: Shutterbug is known as Trophy in the by-laws, known as Award or Trophy in various Banquet brochures, known as Award on the plaques themselves. Reco: Change bylaws to Award at the next opportunity. Use “Shutterbug Award” in the Awards page in the site.
Issue: Top-10 Informal research shows 50-50 in opinion of the meaning: All Points vs. Just Competition Points. All Points makes more sense since it was conceived before the PSA. Do we want to keep?
Issue with the new perpetual plaques (PSA and SA), Thought final decision to be equal in size approx 12 names each with the names of previous winners and winners going forward to be placed on the website. Now one is 24 names and one is 12. If we back fill then those effectively received plaque and name on perpetual plaque. But—seems best reco now is to back fill as many as possible (up to 23) then, when a new one is needed, purchase a 12-name plaque to match. Road forward on the website is clear.
MailChimp: Emails were sent to ~34 members not on MailChimp to ask them to sign up (about a week ago). Some new sign-ups to date.
The JCC Canon is active. Nexus|Club Docs|Bylaws Plus
One place for all guidelines, bylaws, regulations, rules and traditions of the club. Started approx two years ago.
The sundry items section (yes looking for a better name) is interesting: It is a table with columns (fields) of—
● Summary of passed or failed motions
● Applicable Meeting Date (to read minutes)
● Category
● Sub-Category and
● Applicability (specific year or perpetual)

Filterable by category, sub-category and applicability.
Active but not complete. Please check it out.
Image upload central: CloudWok plugin removed. Candids, Utility and Print uploads working, others being fixed. Now using Google Forms.
The Vault (Composed of Central Vault and twelve individual vaults). Central Vault and three individual vaults are active: Secretary, Print Chair and Digital Chair
Nexus|The Attic|The Vault
Trading post is active: Resources|Trading Post
Website Plan: Replace Genesis Framework/Dynamik Child Theme/Beaver Builder with Astra Pro Theme & Child Theme/Beaver Builder. Improvements in Page Builders and Themes that support them. Build in subdomain and shift over. Plan to be changed by year end.
Gutenberg (Code name for a new editor and system of creating content)is coming to WordPress. Create a lot of compatibility issues for plugins but the plugins we use are mostly large companies and they are planning for the change. The change would really happen in about 18 months.
Hosting Plan (We paid for three years ahead with SiteGround) is up in early 2019. I will try to negotiate another deal but I don’t know what they will accept. We paid (I think $54 per year for three years) the list price is now $240 per year.
Website Blue: Memorialize for minutes that the President’s copy has been transferred to the new President? Confirmed? Yes/No. Brian still does not have his copy of this.
Admin Team: Homepage|Admin Team
Missing some images
Reminder: This is Young’s last year as Webmaster. Need to be thinking of someone taking over the management of the website. The website is run purely on WordPress so just need someone that knows WordPress.
Discussion on are there things that can be brought to the membership so that the website is being fully utilized. How to streamline the process of submitting images for the digital competition. Possibility of scheduling additional meeting to discussion of this item.

Brian presented the possibility of putting someone in Young’s place to shadow him for the next few months. Kathy Jaworski volunteered to be 2019 Webmaster and Bill McSherry volunteered to help. Jim Jordan indicated that whomever takes over the webmaster position he has to set them up on the stripe team(this is an addon module that encodes card info and sends it over the internet for processing).

YTD Points Review and Points Discussion – Gail Means – discussion on handouts to Board on Year to Date and Cumulative Life Time Points and Information on the Standarizing Points for various positions being filled.
*Standarized Permanent Positions
*Hold Joint Positions
*Discretionary points given by President and Vice President
Points Levels
*How many years to hold over points on former members

Make a list of positions and assign points and bring to the board for approval and put it on the website so that will be in a separate area. Set date with Brian Leonard and Bill McSherry to get together and decide on the points.

Proposal to Host F3C End of Year Print Competition – Julius Dean – January 2019 would be held at a meeting and it would take the place of a program – this would be for the year end competition as a F3C club. Would be acting as the host club. Brian get with Don Dymer to set date. Julius will let F3C know that we will host the year end competition.

Professional Photographers – Julius Dean – Bobbie Lane and Lee Varis – for Fuji Film shooters – outreach program to see if they would be available to speak to JCC membership. Bill McSherry and Julius Dean will check on dates for a program on Fuji film.

Open Discussion – Evaluate Rules and potential changes to rules related to duplicate submission of images in the same quarter.
1. If no changes, how do we handle the disqualification process and how to make sure proper winners are awarded.
2. If we change – we need to determine:
a. the motion to change the rules
b. how do we communicate the change
c. how do we police the issue

Make sure that members understand that if they enter in both the digital competition and the print competition with the same image in the same quarter that they could potentially lose an award. Ex: if an image wins an honor in digital and then that same image was submitted in the print for the same quarter and it placed first—that the first place would be voided due to the fact that the image placed in the honor award in digital—

Have judge just give a list of the next image in line for an award in case we have a situation so that we can correct the awards accordingly.

Photo Display Opportunity – Bruce Hagstrom – has proposed a photo display opportunity at Orange Park Library. Need to determine our level of interest and discuss accordingly. Bruce recently noticed that the Orange Park Library displayed local artist. It was asked about JCC having an opportunity to display their images. The only restriction is “family friendly photos”. These are just suggested on handling the images for display: framed and matted, uniform size 11×14 prints, 16×20 frames, several months are still available for this year, there is a change over on a monthly basis, could have 15 images each month, will be able to sell images by leaving contact name, etc., and sale price, the library will not be involved in the selling of the images. Also there is no real security present in the area where images would be displayed and the library holds no responsibility for stolen or damage to the image.

Bill McSherry proposed to present at meeting of members to see if there is an interest in submitting images to the Library.

F3C – Julius Dean – hosting F3C on January 16, 2019.

Julius Dean – Collecting $5.00 per member for shipping cost for F3C sending and possibility of having the club pay for sending the images so that it would increase participation.

Christmas Party
Brian presented that someone in the club could host the Christmas party and if we don’t have someone to host it that the members would be willing to pay for a venue.
Mike Rexroad – gave out some information on the Raintree Restaurant in St. Augustine for the possibility of having JCC’s annual Christmas party. Need to let the membership know this and have them thinking of any possibilities of places to have this. It may be that the members may need to donate monies to rent for the party. Jennifer suggested to approach the church to have the Christmas party.

Mike asked about having the board meetings at the library. Everyone said that it was a good venue to have the meetings.

Jennifer Thompson motioned to close meeting seconded by Gail Means meeting adjourned at 12:10 p.m..

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