Gordon Ira
Charise Tanner
Jan Vallely
Lynda Smith
Young McQueen
Jennifer Thompson
Chuck Shealy
Brian Leonard
Jim Jordan
Rick Hartmann
Not Present:
John Neel
Bronwyn Horvath
Julius Dean
Craig Shier
President Gordon Ira opened the meeting.
The Minutes from the February 11, 2017 Board meeting were accepted.
Gordon Ira announced that Chuck Shealy has taken over the Print Chairmanship from Stephen Smith and the board approved his appointment.
Kathy Jaworski has replaced Dennis Adams as the Librarian and the board approved this appointment.
Treasurer’s Report
Currently we have $11,235.05 in the account and another $1,163.55 in the educational fund . Our spendable income is $10,071.50. Known expenses include $500 deposit for the 2018 Banquet venue.
The treasurer’s report was approved by the board.
A financial audit for 2016 was completed by Dennis Adams and Craig Shier. The audit had no suggestions for the Treasurer and the books are in good shape. There was a discussion about who should do the auditing in the future.
Old Business
There was a discussion about how our brochures could be distributed. Right now there is no consistent way to distribute them. Gordon will get together with Craig to discuss this issue.
Library Update
The books have been cataloged and Kathy Jaworski will take over the responsibility of the digital Library. The Library site is a google site and Kathy has control over it.
Rick Hartmann will replace Bill McSherry as the Website Editor. The Board approved the appointment. Rick wants to set up a member directory and help members set up personal galleries.
Report on Club Refund Policy (Jim Jordan and Jan Vallely)
Jan Vallely and Jim Jordan presented some ideas and a discussion ensued.
Brian Leonard proposed the motion “Refunds can only be granted for club activities if there is no additional cost to the club or participating club members. Refunds are not given for no-shows. This policy does not apply to the annual banquet.”
Chuck Shealy seconded the motion and the motion was passed.
Chuck Shealy proposed a motion for a refund policy for the Annual Banquet, ” Banquet refunds will be honored if the number of banquet attendees does not drop below the number of contracted attendees otherwise the requesting member must provide a substitute for themselves and their guest if applicable. After the cut-off date, which is the date the venue needs to know the final number of attendees, no refunds will be given.” Rick Hartmann seconded the motion and the motion was passed.
Clicks Weekly
President Gordon Ira inquired if the board members liked Clicks Weekly and the board overwhelmingly liked the new weekly notifications.
New Projector
Gordon was able to adjust the old projector so that the picture on the screen matches the laptop. There is no need for a new projector at this time.
New Digital Competition Instructions
Young has revised the digital submission instructions and it looks like they work well. Board members were asked to go and try them. Jennifer Thompson asked who would take over the website if Young McQueen was unable to run it. Young said that WordPress was “right off the shelf” and Gordon reminded the board that he has the name of a person who can help any future webmasters. Young would look into this and also look into who should receive the passwords for the website for continuity.
New Business
Rick Hartmann talked about member profiles, member galleries and his progress in getting the club to complete them.
Annual Banquet
The Jacksonville Golf and Country Club was approved as the 2018 banquet venue. Jan Vallely volunteered to be banquet chair. Gordon wanted the minutes to reflect that the board should ensure that Jan gets any help that she needs.
Digital Projection of Points
Gordon appointed a committee of Jan Vallely, Chuck Shealy and Rick Hartmann to look into the best way to get digital copies of print submittals.
Fiscal Year Change
The Treasurer, Jim Jordan, proposed an adjustment to the by-laws that would change our accounting process from a fiscal year beginning in September to a standard calendar year beginning in January. This change would streamline and simplify our accounting. The potential change in by-laws was supported by the board. The president appointed Lynda Smith to draft the specific proposal and initiate the procedure to change the by-laws.
Next Meeting
The next board meetings are August 5th and November 18th.
The board meeting was adjourned.