Blue Cypress Lake

McKee Botanical Gardens

This outing is a twofer. One day is devoted to the McKee Garden and the other to Blue Cypress Lake. The McKee Outing is a Botanical Garden with somewhat open structure. The Blue Cypress is famous for wildlife and especially birds. The pontoon boats (2) are the key to great images at Blue Cypress. You may attend either one or both.
McKee Botanical Garden
McKee Botanical Garden
Friday, February 24, 2017
Hours 10-5
Admission $12/$11 Srs.
Photo Album
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Blue Cypress Lake
Blue Cypress Lake
Saturday, February 25th 7a.m Departure
from dock
Pontoon Boat Rental $26.75/pp
Pay Middleton Fish Camp
the morning of February 25.
No Show? You will be asked to pay for your reserved seat after the outing.
40 Minute Drive from Hotels
Pontoon Boat Registration
Blue Cypress Update: Only two seats remain on the Pontoon Boats.
Only two pontoon boats are available, accommodating seven people per boat—total of 14 .
Twelve have registered: John N, Linda L (2 seats), Caroline P, Jack S, Bronwyn H, Jan G, Charise T, Paula G (2), Stephen S, Jan V
Registering indicates you agree to pay $26.75 for a reserved seat— even if your plans change at the last minute.
Register Here for Boat Reservations
From Caroline:
Blue Cypress should be full of nesting ospreys and limkins. Each pontoon boat holds six photographers and a driver. If we shove off at 7 A.M. we'll have three hours of good light. Blue Cypress is becoming one of my favorite places in Fla.
Something will be going on in February in Viera because there are too many frogs there to be ignored by the wading birds.
McKee should be good, too
From Jan V.:
Our drivers will be Caroline and Jack and will ask all participants to hum theme from Gilligan's Island while leaving the dock.
Caroline Peppiatt
Cell: 904-599-3738
Jack Stephens
Cell: 904-599-3748
Where to Stay
Hotels Near 95 and 20th Street
Holiday Inn Express (772) 567-2500
Country Inn & Suites :(772) 257-0252
Hampton Inn (772) 770-4299
Howard Johnson (772) 778-1985
McKee Botanical Gardens
Middleton Fish Camp – Blue Cypress Lake
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Outing Photo Contest
No Contest for This Outing....
Note on Viera (Real Name: Ritch Grisson Memorial Wetlands)
If you wish to make a detour to Viera a map is inserted to the right for your convience. Good Shooting.
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