No Meeting on March 20th: :Next Meeting is April 3
Jacksonville Camera Club
JCC Tutorials
This page is a complete compilation of our tutorials. They may also appear in other locations. The tutorials on this page are created by JCC members and are crafted to the needs of our members. They cover the website or related club issues. Tutorials and links on photographic subjects are presented elsewhere.
This tutorial may also be found on the Main Menu under the Help tab. It is intended to help member for their initial website signup. It is very basic but important.
This tutorial give the member a guided tour of the website that the visitor or member who is not signed in will see. Recommended that your view once when becoming familiar with the website. Length: approx 21:00
This tutorial give a short summary or tour of the Members's Menu, which is only visible when the member is logged in. Very valuable information in a relative short video. Covers: