JCC Print Contest Rules and Guidelines

This contest is held among the active members of the Jacksonville Camera Club (JCC) to provide an educational and entertaining challenge. It is category-based and held triannually . Prints are submitted as prescribed herein on specified dates. A judge, to whom the identity of the image's maker is unknown, reviews the prints, provides critiques and selects winners. Awards are given for first through fourth place and a number of honors in accordance with a sliding scale. The results are announced at a club program on a prescribed date. The winners are awarded both "glory" and "points". Enjoy the contest and Good Luck!

Print Specifications

Print Size8 x 10 or 80 sq in16 x 20
Mounting BoardRequired11 x 1416 x 20
Total Thickness3/8
Mat RequiredNo
Mat ColorAnyNo Writing on Mat
ID Label RequiredYes
ID Label LocationUpper Left on the Reverse
Maker ID on FrontNoNo Writing on Front
All dimensions are in inches. Orientation may be portrait or landscape

The Print Contest Categories

The People Category

The human figure should dominate the image in either physical scale or impact. Here are some examples–
A photo of a player where he fills most of the frame is People.  A photo of the player, both teams and the stadium is General.
A photo of a rider on horseback where he dominates the frame is People.  A lone rider, small in the image against a majestic mountain is General.  An image of 8 riders and their mounts would be General.
-    Someone standing on the rim of the Grand Canyon, small in the image showing the scale of the canyon is General.  A head and shoulders shot of the same person where the canyon only provides background is People.


The General Category

Entries consist primarily of those that do not qualify for Nature or People. Any image may be entered in General.

Examples –

  • Pet and domestic animal photos
  • Photos of an animal in a zoo with bars showing
  • Wild birds perched on man-made structures such as street signs, pilings, or cut branches
  • Abstract images
  • Still lifes
  • Images manipulated to unnatural levels

The Nature Category

The elusive Nature category. Most importantly, there is no intrusion of man or the hand of man. This category is ever changing. We just follow the PSA guidelines. Read them here and assume the judge did too.

Labels and Digital Image Copies of Print Entries

There is a new system for these items and since it need a lot of space to explain the process and the variations it has been placed on its own page


Submit prints to the Print Contest Chair prior to designated meetings of the club. The Print Contest Chair may modify or adjust this as desired.


The current fee is $2.00 per print.

Number of Entries

As of 2021, you may submit up to four (4) prints in any given period. No more than two may be in any one category. Winning images and their kindred may not be resubmitted.

One Print Chair's Interpretation of some of the rules

In October 2022, the Print Chair sent out an email and Blog post with some additional thoughts on the JCC Print Contest Rules. You can find that Blog post archived here: https://jaxcameraclub.com/printrules/


There is no restriction as to when you took the photograph.

Print or Maker Titles/Names

Your name, your studio's name or the print's title should not appear on the surface of the print or mat. The judge should not know the maker of the print being judged.

Composite Guidelines

Composites present special issues. Generally they should be photographic in makeup and all elements should have been photographed by the entrant. Other elements such as textures and created shapes and such from within a program such as Photoshop are allowed. The compositing work definitely dictates that the print be submitted in the general category.

Judging Criteria

The classic criteria for judging prints in a photo contest includes a combination of impact (story, interest, etc.), composition (leading lines, Fibonacci proportions, etc.) and technical perfection (sharpness, noise, etc.) In reality, results are heavily dependent upon the preferences and background of the judge.
The adherence of your image to the nature or people category is a consideration in judging. If it is deemed too far afield, it will be moved into the general category.
The aspects that are unique to the print include: choices made in paper selection, finish, matting and mounting.


Who retains rights to the images?

The photographer retains the intellectual property rights to any submitted image. My submitting your image you agree to permit JCC to use the image in its website, programs, brochures and any similar fashion. JCC may not sell your image.

What if my image is misappropriated?

JCC assumes no responsibility for misuse of images on it's website. This would not prevent your making a claim against any individual who had appropriated and misused your images.

How are the images judged?

Judging images is a multifaceted and complex subject. The judges are provided a guide to our judging criteria. However, please recognize that judging is highly subjective and your results may often vary from judge to judge. If you feel strongly about an image you may resubmit it later as described within these guidelines.


What happens if my image is rejected as not meeting the guidelines for the nature or people category?

The images are moved to the general category.

How can I be assured the judge is not biased.

Prints will be judged by an independent judge. She/he will not know the identity of the makers. Beyond that, some judges just may not like railroad tracks.

Print Contest Schedule

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YearPeriodCollect DatesResult DateJudge
20251st - T1Feb 20, Mar 06May 01
2025MonochromeJune 06, June 17August 08
20252nd - T2August 21, September 04 November 08
2026AnnualAnnual Banquet in 2026TBA



For any question please contact:
Print Contest Chair at jcc.print.contest@gmail.com


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