Brian Leonard opened the meeting at 10:08 a.m..
Board Members that were in attendance:
Brian Leonard
Bill McSherry
Gail Means
Kathy Jaworski
John Neel
Jim Jordan
Paula Griffin
Jennifer Thompson
Young McQueen
Board Members that were not in attendance:
Don Dymer
Jan Vallely
Julius Dean
We had one (1) guest present:
Anita Fanic
Motion: April, 2018 – Board Minutes to be approved
Motion by Young McQueen
Seconded by Brian Leonard
Treasurer’s Report – Jim Jordan – presented to the board detailed summary: (will send detailed report out to the Board). This document can be viewed on the website.
4/21/2018 – $12,739.75 and as of 8/11/2018 – $12,992.66
The breakdown of the IN FLOWS and OUT FLOWS are detailed on this report which can be viewed on the website in detail.
MOTION: Jim Jordan
That all future workshops and banquet reports be placed on the website under the financial data on a separate tab and members only to be able to view this report.
Seconded by Young McQueen
Treasurer’s Report – MOTION to be approved by Bill McSherry
Seconded by Brian Leonard
Gail Means, secretary, passed out information on standarizing the points for the different positions that are being filled by members of the club. Have the board members reviewed the points and if there are any changes and/or discussions can be brought up at the next board meeting as a motion will be put to the board.
These are the positions that have service points assigned to them on a yearly basis.
President 60
VicePresident 50
Secretary 50
Treasurer 50
Directors 15
Clicks Editor 50
Webmaster 50
Print Chair 40
Digital Chair 40
Mono Director 10
Outing Chair 35
Membership Chair 25
Librarian 15
Annual Awards Chair 25
Properties Mgr. 30
PSA Representative 10
Fun Competition Chair 5(no one in this position) to be removed
Fresh Faces Chair 5(no one in this position) to be removed
Mentor Chair 15(no one in this position)(which are 3)
Historian 10(no one in this position)
Community Outreach 10 (per event)(no one in this position) to be removed
The President and Vice President will still be allowed to give up to 10 points to members of the club.
Part I – To standardized the amount of points given to members of the club that volunteer for additional positions in the club.
The following positions are filled by members and here are the points suggested for each of the positions:
F3C Chair 10 points
Website Editor 20 points
Glennie Contest Mgr. 10 points
People’s Choice Mgr. 15 points
Facebook Mgr. 25 points
Property Manager Helper 5 points
Retention/Recruitment Chair 25 points (this is the newest of the positions)
Presenting a Program – 5 points (Member presenting a program)
SOTW Events – 2 points
Competition Judge – 5 points (Member judging a quarterly club competition)
PSA 2018 – 1 point
Merrimack Valley-Glennie Salon – 1 point – (Member entering competition) will not count toward Shutterbug Award
F3C – 1 point for each Triannual competition and this would not count toward Shutterbug Award
Part II: Below is a list of jobs that are assigned by the Annual Awards Chair to help with the Banquet. These are the suggested points to be given to each of the positions:
Program/Power Point/Presentation for Print & Digital 20 points
Corner Wraps ID’s for Prints 10 points
Rack Set/Up Breakdown 5 points
Master of Ceremonies 5 points
Photographer 5 points
Raffle 5 points
MC Commentary 3 points
Photographer Assisters 3 points
Greeter/Seater 3 points
Name Badges Distribution/Collection 3 points
Assist to Progressive for Print/Digital awards 2 points
Raffle assist 2 points
Brian Leonard – President – Presented information on the formation of the Education Committee – Presidential decree – the members are:(to be placed on the website so you can get feedback from membership)
Bill McSherry
John Neel
Paula Griffin
Jim Jordan – Advisor
Brian Leonard – Chairman
Workshops will need to go thru education committee. If a member or a committee member will need to get the information Time/Date/Presenter/Cost
Submit to education committee issue the value to the Club to make a profit but not to lose money – balance is $1,100.00 – break even/a small profit.
MOTION: The Education Committee authorized to approve workshops at a break even or slight profit and only get the board to approve anything over the allocated amount that is in the account of $1,100.00
Seconded by Bill McSherry
Workshop – Julius Dean presented to board by Brian Leonard
Portrait workshop – presented by Bobbi Lane and Lee Barris
They are Fuji spokespersons – around February/March 2019 – April 24-28, 2019 – Birding/Photo Fest
Have on a Friday night workshop- Ramada Inn
Saturday workshop at the Church – 12 people
Julius working with Fuji to see what funding we could get – open to all camera clubs
Pricing would be based on the cost to the members. Out of pocket initial would be $2,000.00 net investment for the camera club also to see what Fuji could contribute and then would need to
charge attendees to be able to get this back.
Brian Leonard will get with Julius Dean and then get some of the details finalized and then get back with the Board.
F3C – hosting print competition – program scheduled for the 2nd meeting in January at SOTW. Three (3) judges will be there and invite other clubs to attend the judging. We will be using our racks
for display for images. Possibly providing refreshments for this and money to come out of the president’s budget. Discussion for volunteers to help putting up racks for the displaying
of the images as they are being judged.
Christmas Party – Location is at St. John’s River at 6000 San Jose Blvd. Clubhouse of Siliva Agreda’s apartment complex. There will be a $50.00 deposit – for Saturday, December 8th. Check into having someone to be hired to do the clean up after the party is over.Cost to club may have to pay for supplies to provide for the party.
Motion – Young McQueen – Budget $300.00 for Christmas party
Seconded – Jennifer Thompson
Suggested to use throw away items so that it will only be a matter of just putting items in the garbage cans like throw away table cloths, plates, cups, etc..
Website – Young McQueen – All vaults are finished – each person has things to put info and to pass on to the next person will be holding that position. Go to website and go to Attic and then the go to the Vault. This should make transition from year to year and from person to person smoother. It is up and running and then there is a central vault for items that you may need in a few months.
Need to have pictures of the Admin team that have not been given to Young will need to send a picture to post on the website.
Banquet – January 2019
Contract with Jacksonville Country Club and Jan Vallely is Chairperson. Cost for banquet – trying to keep at same price for as long as possible – $50.00 per person. Brian will be keeping in
contact with both Jan and Jim on the ongoing cost. Can possibly run over $500.00 to be charged to club. Will keep everyone up to date.
Post on the website and calendar dates for banquet and Christmas party. The club members don’t always know that the cost of $700.00 to $800.00 for trophies and ribbons, etc. is being paid by the club.
Need a minimum of 65 people at least.
Secretary asked about getting the trophies back from Young and Caroline and can send an email out and ask to bring in to the meeting.
Awards and winners – for all the year-end numbers need to get in as soon as possible so that the info can be accumulated so the awards and trophies can be ordered in a timely manner.
Top Ten Awards
MOTION: Young McQueen -Top Ten Awards be awarded to top ten members for total points for the year.
Discussion about how the TOP TEN Awards have been awarded in the past which was only to the points earned in the competitions, i.e., print, digital, monochrome and annual.
Changed to read:
MOTION: Brian Leonard- TOP TEN Awards are for points earned only in the competitions, i.e., print, digital, monochrome and annual
Seconded: Jim Jordan
Brian Leonard – discussion of length of service on the Board – having to leave after two years with the exception of the treasurer. Changing to a term of two years. Just modify By-Laws to make it available so that in a specific situation when a position cannot find someone to fill that position. This discussion will be continued at the next board meeting.
Persons for the nominating committee, Young McQueen and Gail Means volunteered, and then nominate three from the membership, to be the first meeting in September. Jim will nominate Young and then Young will nominate Gail.
MOTION: Young McQueen – The JCC Board adopt a policy that any board agreement on any subject be formalized as a motion that was approved by majority(unless other criterion is required by the minutes)vote. The motion and vote will be memorialized in the minutes.
Seconded Bill McSherry
JCC Annual Print and Digital Contests
MOTION: Young McQueen – The Annual Print Contest be modified to have the following characteristics: Young read the following info to be part of the minutes:
To: JCC Board
Subj: JCC Annual Print and Digital Contests
Motion to address the number of awards in the subject contests and the question of point balance between the two contests.
Problem: The number of awards for the annual contest is so great that it becomes both boring to present and the value of winning an annual award is diminished and diluted. Additionally the club’s
admin would like the points awarded in the two contest to be comparable if not exactly equal.
Overview: If you disagree with the above just vote no to the motion.
I move that the Annual Print Contest be modified to have the following characteristics:
Thirteen (13) winners:
Best Print of the Year (1)
First in Category (3)
Second in Category (3)
Third in Category (3)
Fourth in Category (3)
Categories are: General, Nature and People.
Awards are:
Best Print of the Year: Trophy/Plaque
Others: Ribbons of the appropriate color (First through Fourth)
Points Distribution is:
Best Print of the Year – 20
Best in Category – 14
Second in Category – 12
Third in Category – 10
Fourth in Category – 8
And that the Annual Digital Contest be modified to have the following characteristics:
Ten(10) winners:
Best Digital Image of the Year
No Categories
Awards are:
Best Digital Image of the Year: Trophy/Plaque
Second through Tenth: Certificates
Points Distribution is::
Best Digital Image of the Year – 20
Second –15
Third – 14
Fourth – 13
Fifth – 13
Sixth – 12
Seventh – 11
Eighth – 11
Nineth – 10
Tenth – 9
Unable to insert spreadsheet but look on your documentation sent by email
The Certificates for the Digital Winners (2-10) are envisioned to be printed on cardstock and designed to mimic a college certificate layout. Sample could not be copied refer to documentation given.
The points could be made 100 % equal by eliminating the fourth place from the print contest but that seems a step too far
(Also check email sent out from secretary with attachments.)
Seconded Jennifer Thompson
8 yes
1 no
Opened to discussion by the Board members – various members spoke as to whether or not this proposal was beneficial to the club.
Paula read her email to the board dated August 10, 2018:
“The efforts to even up the points and give the Annual contest more prestige seems well covered in the 2 motions I have seen thus far. However if accepting the full motion as is I would vote no.
An area to consider for discussion : Normally we have the input of 9 judges over the course of a year and are about to give one Judge the opportunity to determine the Shutter Bug of the Year through our
motion to modify adding a Best Print of the Year and Best Digital of the Year. For example: The likely hood of the Annual Judge (who in this imaginary case is a General Photographer) will choose in
the Annual Print contest a 1st in General, !st in Nature , 1st in People , the likelihood of choosing anything other than one of his first place winners for the Best Print of the Year is counter intuitive
so the first Place General wins 14 pts and also Best Print of the Year @ 20 pts, with a take of 34 points . That is enough points to over ride the efforts of many judges and the efforts of
someone may have consistently won in a full year effort . The other area of consideration is: Trophies for all First Place winners add to the prestige more so than than ribbons and , ribbons more so than
certificates. Please consider the upgrade. All in all I think we are very close on this. Thank you, Paula Griffin”
Discussion by various Board members continued on this subject.
Brian Leonard read the email dated March 7, 2018 – Motion:
“Follow-up to the Board Meeting on Feb 24, 2018.
I submit the following Motion:
I propose that we change the annual awards for the annual digital competition to mirror the print competition. We will have three categories (A), (B) and (C). The same method will determine the number
of ribbons awarded. Each category will receive a 1st thru 4th place ribbon and the number of honor ribbons awarded will be determined by the number of entries in each category. This is the same
method used for all quarterly competitions and the annual print competition.
This change will be effective immediately. All the winners in category (A), category (B) and category (C) for Q1 through Q4, will be entered in the annual digital competition and presented at the banquet
in January of the following year.
As an example, Q1 digital themes are:
(A) – General
(B) – Faces
(C) – Water Reflections
The winners in Category (A) Theme General will compete in Category (A) for the annual competition, winners in Category (B) Faces will compete in Category (B) for the annual competition and all the winners
in Water Reflections will compete in category (C) for the annual competition. There will be no change in the method for the quarterly competitions, upload instructions, categories, themes, or awards.
This change only effects the ribbons awarded and the creation of categories for the annual digital competition.” The motion passed 11-0 with one person not voting.
A vote was called on for the Motion that Young McQueen presented to the Board
Proposal failed
MOTION: Bill McSherry motioned “To Amend Print and Digital for year end points”
After discussion from various Board members
Bill McSherry withdrew motion
November 3rd next meeting – place TBD
Adjourned at 12:20 p.m..