JCC Digital Contest Rules and Guidelines

This contest is held among the active members of the Jacksonville Camera Club (JCC) to provide an educational and entertaining challenge. It is theme-based and held Triannually. The images are submitted via the JCC website between specified dates. A judge will review the images, provide critiques and select winners. Awards are given for first through fourth and a number of honors in accordance with a sliding scale. The results are announced at a club program on a prescribed date. The winners are awarded both "glory" and "points". Enjoy the contest and Good Luck!


If you are not familiar with the  Guidelines for all JCC Competitions click here  before moving on.

Rivitt - 2016 3rd-Qt 1st Place Fred Raiford

Photo Specifications

Format: jpg
Color Space: sRGB
Size: up to 2 mb

How to Enter

Follow the blue bar link below. *You must have a Goggle account to use the entry form or you would have to use the JCC Incognito Google Account: JCCIncog@gmail.com with the password 784!3Gpp


There are no fees to submit images to the JCC Digital Contest.

Number of Entries

You may submit up to four (4) images. No more than two may be in any one theme. Winning images and their kindred may not be resubmitted.


Rule change effective January 1, 2020.

No age restriction on submitted images. Images may have been captured at any time in the past.

Image File Names/Watermarks

Your name or other identifying marks should not appear on the surface of the image. The judge should not know the maker of the image being judged. Watermarks will render you image less appealing to the judge and do little to prevent their being misused.

Composite Guidelines

Composites present special issues. Generally they should be photographic in makeup and all elements should have been photographed by the entrant. Other elements such as textures and created shapes and such from within a program such as Photoshop are allowed.

Judging Criteria

The classic criteria for judging images in photo contest includes a combination of impact(story, interest, etc), composition (leading lines, Fibonacci proportions, etc) and technical perfection (sharpness, noise, etc.) In reality results are heavily dependent upon the preferences and background of the judge.
The adherence of your image to the theme is a consideration in judging. If it is deemed too far afield it could be moved into an open theme.

Digital Contest Themes

YearTriannual DigitalThemeSubmit DatesResult DateJudge
20251st - D1GeneralFeb 13 - March 6April 3
1st - D1Close-up / Macro
1st - D1Ground Transportation
20252nd - D2GeneralApril 17 - May 8June 5
2nd - D2TBD
2nd - D2TBD
20253rd - D3GeneralJuly 17 - August 7September 4
3rd - D3TBD
3rd - D3TBD

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Theme Description Amplifications for 2024


A General theme allows the photographer the ability to enter a favorite images with no subject limitations.

Sun and Sky
Portrait - One Human


Who retains rights to the images?

The photographer retains the intellectual property rights to any submitted image. My submitting your image you agree to permit JCC to use the image in its website, programs, brochures and any similar fashion. JCC may not sell your image.

What if my image is misappropriated?

JCC assumes no responsibility for misuse of images on it's website. This would not prevent your making a claim against any individual who had appropriated and misused your images.

How are the images judged?

Judging images is a multifaceted and complex subject. The judges are provided a guide to our digital judging criteria. (You may download a copy here). However please recognize that judging is highly subjective and your results may often vary from judge to judge. If you feel strongly about an image you may modify it and resubmit it later as described within these guidelines.

What happens if my image is rejected as not meeting the guidelines for the theme?

The images are moved to the general/open theme.

Images will be judged by an independent judge. She/he will not know the identity of the makers.


For any question regarding digital
contest images, please contact:
Karen Sirnick, Digital Chair
email: JCC.digital.contest@gmail.com

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