Brian opened the meeting at 6:50 p.m.
Present at meeting:
Brian Leonard
Bill McSherry
Jim Jordan
Gail Means
Jennifer Thompson
Don Dymer
Young McQueen
Paula Griffin
Julius Dean
John Neel
Jan Vallely
Craig Shier
Anita Fanic
Approval of minutes from August meeting – after discussion on reporting of minutes from board meetings
Motion – Young McQueen
Removed from the minutes two statements that was in the August minutes.
Paula seconded
Jim Jordan – Treasurer’s Report and update on Banquet – Jim indicated that only 12 members had signed up for 10% off until 11/18. Discussion on what could happen if we don’t have the number of members to attend the banquet.
Motion – Brian Leonard to approve Treasurer’s report
Jennifer seconded
Young McQueen – Website and Webmaster update and transition update – discussion on the different areas that will need to be paid for in the future for hosting of the website. The need to recruit more members to write an article for our newsletter.
Gail Means – YTD Points review and points discussion – discussion on the different jobs that the members are filling and with the amount of points to be given to each member and also about getting points for entering PSA, F3C, etc. for getting points for entering. This should be put on the website for the incoming secretary or the person that is calculating the points.
Motion – To award points for various jobs and entering various competitions by the members of the club.
Bill McSherry seconded
Glennie Salon – Craig Shier – Discussion on the submissions for the competition for the year. Maxmized the number of images being submitted to Glennie for the different categories (7) that is being entered. Discussion on promoting to getting more members to submit their images. Craig will come back to the board with suggestions.
Programs – Bill McSherry – Discussion on the upcoming 2019 year programs and then also suggestions for programs to be given once the new vice president is selected. Then also take a look at when the print and digital results for the competitions are on the schedule.
Some Suggestions – Tech Talk, Fifteen Minutes of Fame for new members
Discuss open positions – Brian Leonard and Bill McSherry – Just some of the positions that need a volunteer.
Membership Chair
Outings Chair
Digital Chair – Jan V. will only be able to do it thru May
Discuss steps to implement member retention improvement – Don Dymer
Greeters – for new members
Take lead on taking a mini-outing
New member orientation packet
Training for new members
Looking at data on why members are not being retained and on the numbers for current members on attendance for meetings, outings, entering competitions, etc..
Open Forum – 2019 Slate of Officers – the only change on it is John Neel for vice-president.
Next meeting – TBA – try to do conference call for next meeting
Brian Leonard adjorned meeting at 9:00 p.m..