Bronwyn Horvath's Banquet Review
January 27, 2018
The Annual JCC Banquet is done and dusted for another year. Chairwoman Jan Vallely pulled off a perfect evening at the Jacksonville Golf and Country Club. JCC guests arrived in their Sunday finest for a night of comradery and photography appreciation. Although there was no official prize for best dressed, that award would have gone to dapper Don Dymer in his best 30’s mobster attire.
The club’s winning prints were brilliantly displayed in the back of the room, well lit and easily of the big perks of our new banquet location. Guests had the chance to nosh on cheese and crackers as they discussed the relative merits of each of the stunning prints in the “people,” “nature” and “general” theme categories. This is a great chance to study and appreciate the prints that you may have only seen from a distance during club competitions.
The digital winners and F3C digital images were beautifully displayed as a slideshow at the front of the room and were projected throughout the festivities. Now that our website has a gallery of these images, we can study and enjoy them anytime.
Dennis Adams served as Master of Ceremonies and introduced our 2017 President Gordon Ira who acknowledged and praised the members of his board and those who worked so diligently for the club in 2017. After dinner, Bronwyn Horvath gave a tribute to James Russell “Jim” Lowell, a master photographer who the club lost in 2017. His wife Jennifer joined us for the evening’s festivities in his honor.
The progressive and top ten awards were distributed building up to the annual digital and print awards. Digital Chairwoman Charise Tanner was the winner of the 2017 award with her image “Shenandoah Morning Glow.”
Print Chairman Chuck Shealy introduced the Print Judge, Will Dickey from the Jacksonville Times Union. He announced the winners as Julius Dean in the People category for “Hand in Hand,” Bill McSherry in the Nature category for “Ghost Plant” and Caroline Peppiatt in the General category for “A Golden Moment.”

President Gordon Ira presented the new progressive plaque for Shutterbug Award to Caroline Peppiatt who accumulated the largest amount of points for her winning photographs in 2017. He also announced the new progressive award plaque for the President’s Service Award to Young McQueen for his tremendous service to the club in creating and developing our new website and for his tireless work in a myriad of other club activities.
The evening concluded with an introduction to our 2018 President, Brian Leonard who acknowledged his new board. It certainly looks like an exciting year for the club. Get in there and start earning your club points by working a job or entering a contest, because the 2018 banquet is coming up next January!
Jan Vallely, Banquet Chair Comments:
Use the links below to access the banquet candids, 2017 annual print and digital winners.
Click here for JCC Banquet Photo Album
Click here for 2017 Print Results
Click here for 2017 Digital Images