Jacksonville Minutes of the Board Meeting – September 25, 2019 – SOTW

In attendance:
Brian Leonard – President
Jim Jordan – Treasurer
Gail Means – Secretary
Don Dymer – Member Retention Chairman
Paula Griffin – Director
Jon Montigny – Digital Chairman
Kathy Jaworski – Webmaster

Brian Leonard called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.

Approved the minutes for the May, 2019 board meeting. Did not have a quorum in order to accept the minutes. Will need to approve at the next Board Meeting.

Website Update – Kathy Jaworski – Updated Chimp List of active members and at this time had 81 members.

Jim Jordan – Treasurer’s report – at this time the current balance of JCC account is $14,200.00.

Gail Means – Secretary – Reminded Jon Montigny that need results of the Annual Digital Competition as soon as possible as it takes at least three weeks turnaround time and at this given time of the year it could even be longer. Will need to let Carolyn Peppiatt know the same information as she was not in attendance.

Christmas Party – December 14th – Discuss cost – Since there was not a place to have the party in one of the members home the cost of the building to have the party in, which is in Orange Park, will be $400.00 for the night and a total of $700.00 approximately.

Computer Purchase – Cost under $2500.00 – Brian has been checking on some equipment that the club needs to purchase, i.e. lap top and a new projector….he handed out information on a Dell computer for approximately $529.00 and he will continue to research for both the computer and projector. As there was not a quorum to vote Brian will send out the information by email and get the vote. In an email dated 9/26/19 to the board Brian sent out the cost of the laptop and projector. Cost of laptop is $1,370.00 and the cost of the projector is $356.00 for a total of $1,726.00. The board’s response was unanimous on the purchase of these two items for the club.

January 2020 Banquet – This year it will be held on February 1st…at a cost of $56.65 per person and the club is subsiding $10.65 per person which means that cost to members will be $45.00 per person. Jim and Brian will be asking the board members to help out where they can because no one volunteer to be the organizer of the Annual Banquet this year. Will need to give final count 5 days before February 1st.
November Meeting – will either be October 26th or November 16th – will send out email when the next meeting will be scheduled.

Brian adjourned the meeting at 8:20 p.m..

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