Jacksonville Camera Club Minutes of Meeting – July 17, 2019 – SOTW

Jim Jordan conducted the meeting in Brian Leonard’s absence and called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m…

No new members or new guests.

Beginning July 1st the 2019-2020 dues for the year are now being accepted. If you are a current member you can go onto the website and pay your dues or you can see Jim Jordan at the meetings to pay to him the dues. $40.00 for single and $60.00 for family.

Joice Ira in lieu of flowers asked that money be donated to JCC and club has received $500.00 from Gordon’s friends.

Kathy Jaworski said that the website is still up and running.

Caroline Peppiatt will be collecting prints at both of the August meetings for 3rd quarter and she asked that you send the images you are entering to her email for each image.

By-Laws discussion and vote has been put on hold until the August 7th meeting as it was brought to the board’s attention that proper notification to the membership had not been given. So the information will be sent out to the membership and on August 7th a vote will be taken. 40% of the membership has to be in attendance to vote on the proposed by- law changes.

Anita Fanic – 50/50 = $36.00 total = $18.00 to club and $18.00 to Caroline Peppiatt.

Anita Fanic – Outings – July/August outings to be combined and will be on July 27th to St. Augustine to the fort then breakfast at Georgie’s Diner and then to the Distillery will be opened at 10:00 a.m. for tour. Check out website and sign up on registration form for outing. At this time the fall outing to Helen, Ga. In October is no longer being done. If someone has a suggestion and would like to take the lead on the fall outing please contact Anita.

Duffy McCoy – is ill so keep her in your thoughts and prayers.

Tina Jordan – People’s Choice – July’s Theme – Cell Phone – Environmental Trash
1st place – Charise Tanner – First Item on the List
2nd place – Gail Means – No Dumping Allowed
People’s Choice for August is – Hands, Glamorous, Working, Old, Young, Busy, Idle, etc…
September is Pictures in Pictures; October is Tombstones/Grave markers with cell phone.

July 17, 2019 program:
Rick Hartmann on the use of the Pen Tool in Photoshop
Mrs. Ferro came in to give instructions on how to SendOutCards from a website to utilize your images in with your cards so as to expand your

Meeting was adjourned at 8:35 p.m…

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