Brian Leonard called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m..
New Member/Guest Introduction – Dennis Adams introduced Maciel Greppi.
Reminder to members not to forget to sign in on the member sign in sheet in the back.
Treasurer Report – Jim Jordan – There was another $100.00 donation given to the club in memory of Gordon Ira.
Website Update – Kathy Jaworski – she indicated that the web site was up running well.
Print Competition for Q3 – due August 7th and August 21st – make sure you email a copy of your images to Caroline Peppiatt instead of uploading them on the website due to conflicting operations on Caroline’s computer.
Outings – There will be no August outing.
Raffle – Anita Fanic – 50/50 = $54.00 = club = $27.00 and Lloyd Granat = $27.00
People’s Choice – Tina Jordan – August theme – Hands: Glamorous, Working, Old, Young, Busy, idle, etc..
1st Place – Four Generations – Lloyd Granat
2nd Place – Hands On – Sylvia Agreda
3rd Place – The Hands Tell the Story – Anita Fanic
Tonight’s Program – Post Processing Techniques given by Darrel Joseph
Brian Leonard – Presented the three (3) motions to amend the By-laws to the membership to be voted:
The First Motion passed was an amendment to Article III Paragraph 1
Current Bylaws Article III Paragraph 1
Officers and Directors will be elected by the membership each November. During the first scheduled meeting in September, a Nominating
committee consisting of five people shall be nominated and approved by the membership in attendance. No more than two people from the sitting
Board may serve on the committee. The President and Vice President may not serve on the committee.
Proposed change is to add the following sentence after sentence two:
“Nominee’s to to the Nominating committee should have a general knowledge of the membership and club operations.”
Proposed amended Paragraph 1
Officers and Directors will be elected by the membership each November. During the first scheduled meeting in September, a Nominating
committee consisting of five people shall be nominated and approved by the membership in attendance. Nominee’s to to the Nominating committee
should have a general knowledge of the membership and club operations . No more than two people from the sitting Board may serve on the
committee. The President and Vice President may not serve on the committee.
The boards intention is to clarify that there is some generic qualifications to be on the nominating committee. This was added as a guideline
versus a specific requirement such as numbers of years a member, etc.
The Second Motion Passed was an amendment to Article III Paragraph 2
Current Bylaws Article III Paragraph 2
This committee will meet to select prospective officers and directors, specifically, President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, and Three
Directors. It is a Jacksonville Camera Club tradition to nominate the outgoing president (if applicable) as one of the directors.
Proposed change is to add the following sentences after sentence 1:
A member of the nominating committee cannot be nominated as an officer or director and remain on the nominating committee. The current
officers and directors must appoint a replacement to the nominating committee by a majority vote of the attending board members. This vote can
be in person, by email or by conference call.
Proposed amended Paragraph 2
This committee will meet to select prospective officers and directors, specifically, President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, and three Directors.
A member of the nominating committee cannot be nominated as an officer or director and remain on the nominating committee. The current officers and directors must appoint a replacement to the nominating committee by a majority vote of the attending board members. This vote can be in person, by email or by conference call. It is a Jacksonville Camera Club tradition to nominate the outgoing president (if applicable) as one of the directors.
The boards intention is to ensure that we avoid the appearance that a nominee could use undue influence on the nominating committee to ensure nomination to an Officer or Director nomination.
The Third Motion Passed was an amendment to Article III Paragraph 4
Current Bylaws Article III Paragraph 4
The newly elected officers and directors elect will be installed during the first scheduled meeting the following January. No member may hold
the same office for more than two consecutive terms, with the exception of the Treasurer who may serve for more than two terms.
Proposed amended Paragraph 4
The newly elected officers and directors elect will be installed during the first scheduled meeting the following January. The officers and
directors, other than the President, may serve up to four consecutive one year terms. The Treasurer and the Secretary positions will be elected
annually but will not be subjected to term limits.
The boards intention with this amendment was to allow personnel in key positions an opportunity to continue serving the club in their current
position for more than two years. All positions will still be required to be nominated and elected annually.
The following is the results of the vote by the membership that was present on this night.
Motion 1 – Amendment to Article III, paragraph 1 – sentence to be added after sentence two to read as follows:
Yes – 41 No – 3 Passed
Motion 2 – Amendment to Article III, paragraph 2 – sentence to be added after sentence one to read as follows:
Yes – 35 No – 9 Passed
Motion 3 – Amendment III, paragraph 4 – read as follows: The newly elected officers will be installed during the first scheduled meeting, etc.: Yes – 29 No – 15 Passed
(You can read the entire motions to be amended above)
Brian Leonard adjourned the meeting at 8:57 p.m..