In Attendance:
Brian Leonard
John Neel
Jim Jordan
Gail Means
Don Dymer
Andrea Wilsie
Jon Montigny
Kathy Jaworski
Caroline Peppiatt
Anita Fanic
Paula Griffin
Charise Tanner
Craig Sheir
Not In Attendance:
Richard Bryce
Jan Vallely
Brian Leonard – president opened meeting at 9:40 a.m.
Brian made motion for the approval of November, 2018 and December, 2018 Telephone Conference Call
Jim Jordan – seconded
Banquet debrief – Jan Vallely – Discussion of responsibilities for the next banquet coordinator.
Attendance down 21% total attendance
No new members attended
The JCC members down 12% and down 28% of guest
Emailed and called every member active and inactive
Sent out 39 surveys and only 27 responded
Surveys are good to have to see what the members thought about the banquet
Members want to stay at Jacksonville Golf and Country Club and that no judges at the banquet
Also, using air table is good for doing everything in printing the name tags and table tags
Discussion on subsidize the cost of the banquet for members
Brian personally thanked Jan Vallely for volunteering on doing the banquet.
Website – Kathy Jaworski – Discussion of roles and responsibilities of :
Webmaster – Kathy Jaworski – role of webmaster – maintain the website
Website Editor – Craig Shier – role of website editor
- Website content -send emails/talk to members
- Updates to individual pages
- Reorganize menu on website
Kathy and Craig working on description of positions
Don and Paula to help Craig on content of website and opening menus. Wish list on website to make more user friendly and also on public side to making it more appealing for people that could be potential members.
*Rewrite each of the Admins roles before next meeting
Creating passwords for some of the members of the board to get into the Attic – 1935ta3 to access everything…..
Give access to the directors on the website……..
Training for the board members on how to maneuver around the website
Set date for training of board members on the website – at the church with their laptops to look on how to look, search and use the website – March 9th at 10:00 a.m. at the church.
Glennie Salon Update – Craig Shier – Submit as a club and the pays for the entrance fee which is $50 per year
Digital submissions – 1024×768 image – accepting now until February 28th for all entries.
Treasurer’s Report and Update – Jim Jordan – current treasurer’s report can be found on the website for the 1st quarter of 2019 and also the Banquet 2019 report. Explanation of dollar amounts of the banquet expenses. Just as a side note the club paid separately for coffee at the banquet $3.85 per person for coffee.
Points Rules and helpful hints for new chairs – Gail Means – Points are received for meetings, outings, entering competitions, serving on board. Print/Digital chairs points are given for entering the competitions and also in placing in those competitions. Chairs will give the secretary the list of members that entered and then will give the names of those members that placed in the competitions. Acquire points for getting to different levels in the club.
Tech talks to be added to the agenda of the meetings. John Neel contacting members of the club to do tech talks/slide show presentation. Also, check out YouTube videos for part of the tech talks, and have some readily available in case the presenter is unable to attend that meeting will have for backups.
Member Retention – Don Dymer – Discussion on how to get members and then how to keep them coming back to the club for meetings, outings, etc.. Don was approach by the editor of the Mandarin newspaper for another article about JCC. Don advised that he had only to February 8th to submit images and article to the paper. Some point of interest would be on the Orchard outing in DeLand and also about banquet and then about the March outing to the Ravine Gardens as possible information to be given the paper. Also, several board members are going to be submitting images to go along with the article.
Another suggestion that was discussed was the possibility of not scheduling both the print and digital results in the same month for both meetings in that month. Check out the see if changes in dates could be accomplished.
Matching new members to a member with the same camera so that if the new member has any questions about how to use the camera they can be shown or if they just have questions in general about their camera. Jon Montigny suggested that the website have the names of members that volunteer to help along with the kind of camera they are using so the new members can contact that current member.
Motion – Paula Griffin – To bring back “Clicks” on a monthly basis
Seconded by Don Dymer
John Neel volunteered to be the Clicks editor
Birding Code – cam2019 – for the $25.00 registration fee is waived.
Next board meeting – May 8th at 6:00 p.m. at SOTW
August Meeting – August 3, 2019(tentative)
November Meeting – October 26th or November 16th(tentative)
Brian Leonard adjourned meeting at 12:10 p.m..