Jacksonville Camera Club Meeting Minutes – September 16, 2020 – SOTW

Young McQueen called the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m..

Seating Reminder, Distance Reminder
Three Volunteers for Wipe Down

Wellness Check: Duffy McCoy and Dennis Adams – Gallery of Duffy on website
Dennis Adams is in Hospice beginning a new program.

Election of Nominating Committee for 2021 Officers/Directors – The membership voted the following to comprise the Nominating Committee for 2021 Officers and Directors:
Keith Garrett
Rebecca Janssen
Betty Raiford
Stephen Smith
Jan Vallely

Treasurer’s Comments: Brian Leonard – Dues are now due $40.00 per person and $60.00 for family.

Digital Contest Update/Reminder: Karen Sirnick – The 3rd Triannual competition submission of images from September 12th – October 18th – General, Nature-Botanical, People-Event. You may log into the website and go to Contests/Digital Contest for all links and information.

Print Contest Update/Reminder: John Neel – The 3rd Triannual competition submission of prints is October 21st – General, Nature, People.

Monochrome Print Contest Update/Reminder: Ted Floore – Prints were collected at tonight’s meeting and Ted announced if any had prints they still wanted to enter to contact him in the next few days to make arrangements for pickup.

Outings Update/Reminder: Rebecca Janssen – September 26th – Details on the outing to Okefenokee Swamp in Georgia in order to be guaranteed a seat on the boat tour the cutoff date is September 21st at midnight. The boats will depart at 8:30 a.m.. Check the website for complete information on this outing.

Webmaster: Log in to the website and take a tour to get familiar with how our website is set up.

F3C Collection: Outside by Julius Dean – pickup was tonight so if you did not bring your images in contact Julius to make arrangements to get them to him.

People’s Choice Print Contest Results: Gone online – Tina Jordan – Enter your images on the website for the October People’s Choice.

Other Announcements: Young McQueen: JCC Annual Banquet – A discussion was held and there is no decision but the feeling of the group seemed to be that, with the present conditions we would not enjoy a banquet with six-foot distancing and masks. The idea was discuss that we could combine the Christmas Party (now a spring picnic) with the Annual Awards Banquet and have it as an outdoor event. The Board will keep the membership up to date as the year 2021 progresses.

Program Section: VP: Jeff Garbow
Program Title: The Characteristics of Light
Speaker: Walter E. Lara

The program that Jeff Garbow had scheduled for October has been changed and if any of the members wants to present a program for that meeting let him know.

Meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m..

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