Order: Young called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m..
New Member/Visitor Recognition: Jan Vallely /Irene Ward – Paula Esworthy is a new member. We also had 2 new visitors.
Wellness Check: Charise, Rebecca – both have/had eye surgery…..
Survey of CV vaccines? Just a quick poll on number of members that have had the vaccine that are in attendance would be about 2/3 of the attendees.
Glennie Nature Salon: Craig Shier – reminded us about the Linkedin tutorials (previously known as, Lynda), is that he found out that Lynda courses are now available at no cost to patrons on the Clay County Library and Jacksonville Library websites. Lynda has lots of online general photography courses as well as course for tools such as Photoshop and Photoshop elements.
Treasurer’s Comments: Brian Leonard – a reminder that for those members that have not paid their dues they can pay them thru the website.
Education Committee Chair: Tanya Metaska – has created a page on the website as an education hub. Directions: log into the website, go to members menu (top of page), Resources tab, click on education. From that page you can link to her survey on post processing if you have not already done so.
Print Contest Update/Reminder: Tim Davis – reminder for members that the March meeting is the last chance to submit prints for the first print contest of 2021.
Outings Update/Reminder: Dave Wholey – Anita Fanic will be leading the outing/workshop, in April, entitled: Intentional Camera Movement Field Workshop. She will follow up with a program in May on post processing of the ICM images. Also mention the signing of waivers for the membership.
People’s Choice Print Contest Results: Tina Jordan
1st place – Tanya Metaksa – Inside the Opera House
2nd place – Charise Tanner – Linear Architecture
3rd place – Celia Carson – Mind Bending
Follow the monthly contest on the website. The details will be posted to the website schedule page.
Announcements/Comments: Open Call
Ted Floore shared that he joined another club which is online only, it is known as Land of Waterfalls Camera Club in North Carolina.
Record your comments on the meetings program – if you with to make an anonymous comments just omit your name.
Program Section: VP: Jeff Garbow
Program Title: Native Sun: The Flora of Sawmill Slough Preserve, Kally Malcolm-Bjorklund
The next meeting will be March 17th and the program for that meeting will be the 1st Digital Competition Results of 2021.
Meeting adjourned at 8:50 p.m..