Order: Young called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m…
New Member/Visitor Recognition: Betty Raiford- Introduced Bob and Patricia Beth went to ICM outing
Ten new members to date so if you see someone that does not look familiar say hello and introduce yourself to them.
Giveaway: Book of street photography and the winner is Bronwyn
Tripod stabilizer and the winner is Rebecca
Update on Moving Meeting Location: Young announce that SOTW is still in the running to offer the club a new meeting place at their church location – Mandarin Garden Club is an option for $150 a month and the Moose Lodge was not all the interested.
Glennie Nature Salon: Craig Shier – even though the images submitted from our club didn’t place we still had some awesome images. Check out the website to see what images the judges are selecting.
Education Committee Chair: Tanya Metaska – Free on line tutorial – in May whole week for users on lightroom. Those that use lightroom check it out.
Anita Fanic asked that the images from the last outing on ICM to be turned in by the week of April 25th.
Outings Update/Reminder: Dave Wholey – Outings for the next couple months:
May – Florida International Motorsports Rally in Starke
June – Sugar Mill
July – ?? – Milky Way – Aug. 8 and 9
Webmaster: If Kathy is unable to get back to you contact Craig, Young, Brian or Jan.
People’s Choice Print Contest Results: Tina Jordan – May – Bridges; June – Still Life; need to have people to vote – go to website log in go to contest then all contest then JCC People’s Choice – view, vote and then enter.
Other Announcements:
Photo Challenge: Young challenge anyone in the group to photograph a picture with objects to be removed and submit so club members can see how you did it. Showed Mt. Vernon Motor Lodge on Phillips Ave as an example.
Pan Tripod: Ted Floore – going to utilize his pan tripod to shoot the lift off of SpaceX2 on Friday at 5:55 a.m..
Program Section: VP: Jeff Garbow – Tips for Landscape Photography – Dave Long
There is a link to see the program that Dave Long’s presentation if you would care to look at it.
Meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m..