Jacksonville Camera Club General Meeting Minutes September 5, 2024

Jacksonville Camera Club General Meeting Minutes 

Shepherd of the Woods, 7860 Southside Blvd., Jacksonville, FL 32256

Date: September 5, 2024 

President Ted Floore called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m.

Ted stated that the Nominating Committee consists of Peter Fitzpatrick, Sonia Grutter, Tina Jordan, and Craig Shier. Please contact them if you are willing to volunteer next year. George Hoskins informed the Club that he wants someone else to be the Secretary next year. Please contact him if you are interested.

Ted mentioned the death of member Paul Card. His service will be on September 14 at the Springs Church in Orange Park. There is a sympathy card for Linda, please sign it.

Ted discussed the recent F3C digital competition. There were 1,039 total entries. There were 36 entries from our members, and 11 ribbons were awarded to our members.

Ted stated that SOTW will have an outdoor event on October 26, and it is requested that some members volunteer to attend and take photos to be shared with SOTW.

Ted discussed the zoom programs that Club members have been able to access from home.  Members who missed them will be able to see them in the future. One was on iPhone photography and one was on Bird Photography. This is in coordination with the Beaches and St. Augustine Clubs. A visitor from the Beaches Club stated that their programs can be seen on You Tube, from a link on their website.

Anita Fanic discussed an outing on September 28th to Falling Creek Falls State Park.

People’s Choice – Is taking place tonight.

Raffle 50/50: $ 27 collected and Ernest Mistr donated his winnings back to the Club.

Visitors / New Members – Lorrie Brown and Liz Pierce were visitors from the Beaches Club.

Program   Robert Chaplin presented the program on the Art of Photography. Many of his outdoor/nature images were shown and discussed. Robert also discussed printing and a number of his printed images were displayed.

Meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m.

George Hoskins, Secretary

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