Fort Clinch State Park
Experience life in the fort as it was in 1864. The grounds will be bustling with soldiers in period costumes involved in firing demonstrations, marching drills, cooking and daily activities. Ladies in their dresses, sutlers displaying their wares, fife players and drummer boys bring every part of the civil war era to life.
The Fort at
Ft. Clinch State Park
2601 Atlantic Ave.
Fernandina Beach, FL 32034
(904) 277 7274
Fort Clinch State Park
Fort Clinch Photographs
Leader: Mike Rexroad
Home: 904-363-6435
Cell: 904-502-2004
Free parking by the fort entrance
Restroom facilities are available at all public accesses including the Ranger Station, Atlantic Beach boardwalks and Fort Clinch Visitor Center.
NOTE: Cell phone service is poor inside the park.
For those who prefer to eat lunch prior to the tour I suggest Brett’s Waterway Café at the extreme western end of Atlantic Avenue. It has lots of available seating, inside and deck and a scenic view of the waterway and marina. Opens at 11 AM.
Outing Date: Saturday, Nov. 4, 2017
Meet at Fort Visitor Center 1 PM
Hours of Availability
* The Park is open from 8 AM to sundown.
* The Fort is open daily from 9 AM to 5 PM.
* The Visitor Center is open 9 AM to 4:30 PM
*A Candlelight tour of the fort is available after sunset but it is not part of the JCC tour since cameras are not allowed. For those members that are interested call the Fort Ranger to make reservations.
$6.00 per vehicle. Limit 2-8 people per vehicle.
$4.00 Single Occupant Vehicle. 1 person in Vehicle.
$2.50 per person Fort admission.
Purchase of your tickets allows you to leave and return to the park and the fort all day.
Register Here
Members who have registered for this outing are:
Anita Fanic, Mike Rexroad, Rick Hartmann, Irene Ward
Caution - Watch Your Step
The ~ 100 yard path from the visitor center to the fort is not paved.
Excerpt from the Ft. Clinch brochure:
“Fort Clinch was built for war, not for safety.” - “Use established stairs and walkways. Fort steps are steep and narrow and railings are absent. Walkways are uneven with many trip hazards.”
The surface of the rampart is uneven, requiring you to carefully pick your way among the cannon trunnions and concrete blocks.
Should you need assistance to enable your full participation, please contact the Ranger Station prior to your visit (904) 277-7274
What to See and Photograph
Located next to the Visitor Center is a small museum with several interesting artifacts. You should definitely visit the theater in the rear of the museum to view a 20 minute informative video prior to your entering the fort.
Then pick up a brochure at the visitors center and enter the fort by crossing a swing bridge and walking through a tunnel into the fort's interior. There you will find:
* Soldiers in Period Uniforms
* Civilians wearing clothing of that era
* The Kitchen and Laundry
* Carpenter Shop
* Storehouse and Dispensary
* Blacksmith Shop
* Prison and Guard Rooms
* Bakery
* Enlisted Men's Barracks and Latrine
* Small arms demonstration
O'er the Ramparts
You can access the rampart by either a steep set of stairs or walking up the cannon ramp. From atop the rampart you will encounter a sweeping panorama of Cumberland Sound. Just as equally noticeable are the large bore black cannons mounted on trunnions.
A smaller cannon will be placed by the gunnery crew atop the rampart and fired periodically. Time: "When we get enough people to watch it" but typically around 11:30 AM and later firings during the day.
The Rampart completely encloses the fort allowing you to photograph the fort structures and parade ground from every angle. The dry moat and outer curtain (wall) are more easily accessed by using the sally points at ground level.
Travel Directions to Fort Clinch
From I-95
Take I-95 to the Fernandina Beach / Callahan exit (Milepost Exit 373 - Old Exit 129), and stay to the right. You will then be traveling east on A1A. (This road becomes 8th Street within the town limits of Fernandina.) Stay on this road, (A1A), for 16 miles until you come to the intersection of 8th Street and Atlantic Avenue. Turn right on Atlantic Avenue and go about two miles, Fort Clinch State Park will be on the left.
The More Scenic Route
The more scenic route. From I-95 or I-295 (East Beltway) take Hecksher Drive east to where it joins AIA. Continue North on A1A to the northern end of Fernandina Beach and turn left onto Atlantic Ave. The park entrance will be about 100 yards on your right.
However be aware of a right turn onto Fletcher Avenue in Amelia City. See the photograph to the right for landmarks.
Amelia City Round About