The End of an Era: Clicks Ceases Publication
The December 2017 edition of Clicks is the final issue of a Club publication with a long history and a beloved following.

Gordon poses to help students in a LPIG session in 2017.
For as long as most members can remember Clicks was the alter ego of our own Gordon Ira. He nurtured and babied his publication, pulled members in from far and near to be a part of Clicks. Along the way he garnered top awards from the PSA and a place in the hearts of JCC members.
Thanks Gordon for a job well done. Really well done. The back issues will continue to be available on the website so members may peruse them at their leisure and remember when. . .

In mid-2016 John Neel took over Clicks and professionally guided it for the next year and a half. John concluded, in agreement with Gordon, that the news and image needs of the club would be better served by concentrating on our website. Hard decisions since they both loved Clicks.
John Neel is shown shooting images at the 2017 JCC Awards Banquet— Images that were destined to be published in Clicks.
And More News—
John Neel is taking on the task of JCC Print Contest Chair during its challenging update to a new entry process. (Our members love change. )
His Clicks Weekly is morphing into The Weekly under the guidance of its own editor.

Clicks Weekly becomes The Weekly under new editor, The Weekly Editor