February 24, 2018 JCC Board Meeting Minutes – 9:30 a.m. Village Bread Company

President’s Agenda: Brainstorm 2018 Vision. determine action items and timelines:

Board Members in Attendance
Brian Leonard
Bill McSherry
Gail Means
Jim Jordan
Paula Griffin
Julius Dean
Kathy Jaworski
Jan Vallely
John Neel
Jennifer Thompson
Young McQueen

Board Member not in Attendance – Mike Rexroad

Brian Leonard started meeting at 9:35 a.m.
Approval of minutes from December meeting – passed with an exception by Young McQueen of listing the venue which was a conference call.
1) Banquet Debrief – See detail of breakdown of cost for banquet dated 2/23/2018 under Treasurer’s Report on website
Treasurer’s Report – Jim Jordan – see detailed report from 11/18/17 (4th qtr.) thru 2/24/18 under Treasurer’s report on website.
Education Fund – started in 3rd and 4th qtr of 2016. This fund was set up for workshops for the club. Profit was from two workshops, Judging-Dr. Cook and Macro-Mike Moates. It was not just
designated specifically for workshops a fund to be for more education-type programs.

Paula Griffin ask about the club’s – Refund Policy – as long as the club is not out of pocket due to a refund then it can be given back . It is not to be given just for a no-show.

Brian made a motion:

Motion: Refund money for workshop to those that could not attend prior to our refund policy and for any future workshops from the Education fund only that the refund policy be clearly communicated all to members
2nd by Kathy Jaworski
Motion passed.

Recommendation that President becomes the co-signer on club account

Young McQueen made the following motion:

Motion: A budget be established for the president for 2018 of $1,000 with the stipulation that no single item would be more than $350.

John Neel seconded – motion passed

Points Discussion – Gail will be bringing point updates to each board meeting.

Motion: Point System: To form a committee headed by Gail to investigate club point system and return to board with recommendation at next meeting. Seconded by Brian
Brian removed his seconded for the above motion:
Instead of committee, Gail will put together a proposal for the point system and bring to the board at the next scheduled board meeting.

If members want to know their points they can contact Gail to get that information. This discussion is being tabled for future discussion.

2) Discuss Outings Schedule and Need for Leaders – left undiscussed as Chairperson was not in attendance

3) New Member Committee – Appoint Chairperson, establish priorities
Motion : To create a new position, Recruitment and Retention Chairperson, with a seat and voting rights on the board and is appointed by current President. Seconded by ???????
Motion passed

Motion: Nominate Don Dymer as Chairperson of Recruitment & Retention, with a seat and voting rights, on the board. Seconded by Young McQueen
(Points to be determined at later date by Secretary)
The following are some of the tasks that will be the responsibility of the Chairperson:
Publicity & special events
Assign personal contact, answer questions about club, website, etc. and mini photo outings. Get involved in people’s choice, quarterly competition, introduce to other members. Find out about
person and share with board and others. Board members take turns identifying new members, call if they quit coming to meetings. Give them website training on how to navigate, help to set up gmail, how
to upload images for competitions, how to blog. Personally invite to go on outings and to Chili’s after the meetings.
New Member Packets – this packet would have the following information to be given to a new member:

Club leaders
Point system – when/how the new member would earn points
Competitions – how to enter both the digital and print competitions and people’s choice
Website navigation with hands on training
JCC membership list with phone numbers and email
Find out if they have been in another club and if so ask about their likes/dislikes and if they have any suggestions for our club
Follow up on how new members are registering on line but do not have any information/registration do we automatically accept them once they pay online. Young could put the membership form on the members
page only.

Brian to work on streamlining meeting agenda.

For New and Existing members:
Clean up the membership list on-line
Take members photos at meeting to update the membership listing
Poll current members on the likes/dislikes of the club and do this one to one and not necessarily by survey.
Create a “SUGGESTION BOX” by Young on website.
Find out the members that attend outings and participates in competitions– if not, why?
Adopt a “loner”??????
Need help with website and uploads, etc.
Quarterly training should be hands on
Get Volunteers/give assignments

Board members find an assistant that can help you and it gives them ownership in the club and also pre-training for replacing board and chairs
Club improvements: better blogging, how to navigate website

Discussion was about how the board decisions are given to the members

Page on club website for board members and this is something that Young can create

Banquet Debrief – Jan received responses on survey of banquet and there are some workable changes that can be made to the banquet next year.

Bronwyn gave Young a list of motions that were passed in 2017. He is working on including that in to the website and will work with Gail to make that available to all board members via The Attic.

Board Blog/Meeting communication by president.

Changes to People’s Choice:
Would like to substitute a phone print once per quarter in place of normal 8×10
Discussion on whether or not People’s Choice be part of the Shutterbug Award
Brian’s Motion: Assign one (1) participation point, will not count toward Shutterbug.
Young suggested to amend Motion: modify “one point for participation and will count towards Shutterbug” award.
Motion: Assign one (1) participation point that will count toward Shutterbug.
Seconded by Kathy Jaworski
Motion failed: 5-yes 6- no motion fails

Brian’s original motion:
Assign one (1) participation point, will not count toward Shutterbug
Original motion – to Assign one (1) participation point, but not count toward shutterbug award will only go toward lifetime points.
Seconded by Julius Dean
7- yes
Secretary to check on by-laws about participation points (Point: I did find where the club changed over to People’s Choice at the February 7, 2008 meeting but do not have minutes of several meetings as to when it went into effect. Sent this information to Young McQueen as per his request).

5) Website Improvements and Enhancements – Young McQueen

Old website was “blue version”, data was saved to black VCR tape that was passed to Jim Jordan, treasurer , Jim acknowledge that he had his copy and Brian Leonard, president – at this time Brian
doesn’t have copy but will contact Gordon about getting copy.

Motion by Young McQueen: Website budget of $600.00 for 2018 for plug-ins, hosting and related expenses and for maintaining website. Seconded by Jim Jordan.
Motion Passed

New page for a “Vault” will be in the Attic. Each board member will have a private “Vault” to maintain notes, account information, passwords, processes for certain job-related procedures, which can be
turned over from year to year.

Motion – Jan Vallely – “FOR SALE” page to be created on website “FOR Members Only” but make it clear that this is a member to member transaction and the club has no responsibility for any and all
transactions it is between members. Seconded Brian Leonard
11 yes – 1 no
Motion passed

The Weekly – there is a green button at the bottom of the form and it will go directly to Young, for any information that is to be included in Clicks.

Young suggested that Bruce Hagstrom to take over the candid images for the club and would be listed as another editor on the website.

There is currently no venue for the annual Christmas party for 2018. Bronwyn Horvath will not be able to host it at her home this year.

6) Library Reorganization – Kathy Jaworski – is getting the Library up and going and if anyone has any tutorials email to her so that she will be able to get them out for the members. Get the information out
to the members of the club.

4) Changes to Digital Competition –
Trying to equalize digital with how the prints are handled
Not happy with just one category and 20 awards
Uploading and naming the images would be the same process
Seconded by John Neel
Paula had concern about it be implemented for this year
Motion: Paula Griffin to begin in 2019 – seconded by Bill McSherry
Have 3 categories: A,B,C,(Digital chairs will assign themes to each of the categories and try to make them all similar within each category.)
Three themes each quarter that would fall within A,B,C
Uploading and naming the images would be the same process
Motion : failed 3 yes – 8 no

Motion: Have 3 categories: A,B,C,(Digital chairs will assign themes to each of the categories and try to make them all similar within each category.)
Three themes each quarter that would fall within A,B,C
Uploading and naming the images would be the same process
To begin with the 2nd qtr of 2018 digital competition
7 yes – 2 no
Motion passed

Motion from Brian to rescind the previous motion until he gets it out to the board members.
Seconded by Young McQueen

Brian adjourned meeting at 12:03 p.m.

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