Jacksonville Camera Club
Executive Board Meeting Minutes
Shepherd of the Woods, 7860 Southside Blvd., Jacksonville, FL 32256
Date: June 13, 2024
Members Present
President Ted Floore
Vice President – Position not filled
Treasurer Young McQueen
Secretary George Hoskins
Director Peter Fitzpatrick
Director Tina Jordan
Director Dave Wholey
No Visitors
Ted Floore made a motion to approve the Minutes of the January 25, 2024 Board Meeting. Peter seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
Young McQueen gave a 2024 treasurer’s report with an April 30, 2024 Balance Sheet. He discussed the two CD’s and indicated that the plan is to continue to maintain and renew them.
Young McQueen made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report as presented. Ted seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
Ted Floore made a motion that the Club make a $500 donation to the Shepherd of the Woods Church. Tina seconded the motion and it passed, with one member abstaining.
Young McQueen gave out copies of draft revisions to the Club Constitution and Bylaws and requested that BOD members provide him with feedback on them.
Young McQueen made a motion to form an Ad Hoc Committee to review and propose changes to the Club Constitution and Bylaws. The Committee is to be chaired by Young, and he will contact prospective members. The Committee is to present recommendations to the Board. Ted seconded the motion and it passed, with one member voting No.
Ted Floore discussed the need to have an audit of the Club financial records. He will seek a volunteer to do this.
Peter Fitzpatrick stated that there are 88 current Club members and 14 people have joined the Club this year.
Dave Wholey reported that he is not planning outings in July and August. He mentioned that Club members should attend and photograph the Fall event at the Shepherd of the Woods church.
Ted stated that it is time to begin thinking about officers for 2025 and he will be mentioning this at every meeting.
Ted stated that the Club can have an end of year potluck meal/social in our meeting room on December 19th. He will seek a volunteer to coordinate this event.
Ted announced that Anita Fanic has volunteered to organize an annual banquet in February 2025.
Ted reported that Sharon Farmer will receive a $200 honorarium for presenting a program in October. The Beaches and St. Augustine Clubs will each provide $50 to the honorarium.
Ted discussed the need to be clear about what constitutes a quorum of our membership, in the event that there are future matters that are presented to the full membership, for a vote.
The meeting was adjourned at 9 pm.
Respectfully Submitted
George Hoskins, Secretary