Darrel Lectures at the Cummer

Not being a very “artie” person, I know very little about the fine art paintings at the Cummer Gallery. In order to try and slightly remedy this situation, I went to Darrel’s tour and lecture of exhibits at the Cummer on the July outing. I was amazed at what I didn’t know. Darrel and Diane Wise made the paintings come to life, bringing in the story of the painter, the period in which it was painted and a description of the contents. Darrel and Diane split up the descriptions, and Dick Cardell had an occasional comment to make.This is clearly a whole new world and JCC is privileged to have Darrel and Diane around to try and teach us something.
There was a good crowd, the Cummer is a magnificent place and the cafe was a busy place, with 16 staying for dinner.. I didn’t stay for dinner but Darrel says the “dishes they served were attractive and tasty if a bit limited and designed for sharing” I think that for a museum cafe, that is a fairly good report. For more pictures check out this Google Photo Gallery. I’ll add more pictures if folks will send them to me, or you can also pictures put them in the outings gallery.