The information accessible via these links will provide all the guidance you need to participate in the contests of the JCC and its affiliates. The links to enter contest, if applicable, are contained on the pages accessible via the links herein. The icons are the links. Enjoy and Good Luck.

The guidelines accessible from the first link below apply to all contest of the Jacksonville Camera Club. Some are rules. Some are suggestions. They often deal with gray areas and areas of interpretation. Remember our contests are here to reward, inspire and educate.
The Jacksonville Camera Club has several contests throughout the year: Color Print, Mono Print and Digital. Those images receiving award ribbons are judged again for the Annual Awards Banquet held early in each year to celebrate the achievements of members during the previous year.
The user of Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) software is prohibited for all competitions and categories. Using clipart or photographs obtained from sources other than from the individual photographer, in part or whole, is prohibited. Only Images that are totally the work of the individual photographer are allowed. The club relies on the integrity of the members to submit only their work and cannot monitor every detail of the submitted images.
All JCC Contests
JCC Print Contests
JCC Digital Contests
JCC Monochrome Contests
JCC People’s Choice
JCC Annual Contests

PSA Contests

Florida Camera Club Council Contests
Link to enter images into Gallery

Glennie Nature Salon
The Jacksonville Camera Club has two annual photographic contests. The Annual Print Contest is the granddaddy of the pair having been a fixture of the club for many years. The Digital Annual Contest is in its infancy. The results of both are presented at the Annual Awards Banquet held in January of each year to celebrate the achievements of members during the previous year. This is the keystone event of the Jacksonville Camera Club’s year.
Annual Print Contest
Winning entries from the tri-annual print contests and the annual monochrome print contest are entered into the Annual Print Contest by the member submitting the print in accordance with directions given during the last quarter of each year. Entries receiving honors and above are entered on equal footing. Each category is judged separately. That results in three number one winners, etc.
A new judge selects the annual winners not knowing the name of the maker or what award was previously won.
The prints are on display at the banquet for all attendees to enjoy.
Annual Digital Contest
All winners (including honors) from each of the tri-annual digital contests are grouped together for judging. From the combined group, a judge will select three blue ribbons (first prize), three red ribbons, (second prize), three white ribbons (third prize) and three green ribbons (fourth prize) plus a variable number of honors awards based on the total number of entries as described on the “All Contests” page.
The judge will not know the maker’s name nor the level of the previous award. All entries are on an even level.

PSA – Photographic Society of America
The Jacksonville Camera Club is a member of the PSA as a club. Individual members may also choose to join the organization. They have contests for both clubs and individual members. You may click on the logo to access their website.

Florida Camera Club Council
The Jacksonville Camera Club is a member of the F3C. You, as a member of JCC, qualify for a free membership in this organization. Just click the log and register. F3C will contact the JCC F3C liaison and that admin team member will approve you membership. This will take a few days.
The F3C sponsors print and digital contest which you may then enter after your membership is approved. There is a fee. The judges for their contest award up to twenty points in each of three categories: These are averaged and the images are then ranked. There is no critique or feedback of why the score was assigned. Complete information is on their site.
The logo is a link.

Glennie Nature Salon
The Jacksonville Camera Club as participated in the Merrimack Valley Camera Club’s Glennie Nature Salon for many years. Click the logo to the left to read the entry categories and requirements. Please note they strictly follow the PSA descriptions of Nature Photography. When information is available for the annual contest links will be posted here.
The next competition is expected to be in early 2021.
Official Rules and Guidelines