Outing: June 23, 2018 -
The summer solstice is the moment in time when the Earth's tilt towards the Sun is at its maximum and the Sun reaches its highest position in the sky. On this day the northern hemisphere will experience it's longest period of sunlight (14h 06 min). This year the summer solstice occurs on June 21 but the sun's position will not significantly change on the outing date June 23rd
Important Update!
Access to Boneyard Beach is through the Big Talbot Island State Park.
Because we have to keep the number of vehicles at the Big Talbot Island State Park entrance to no more than 3 – 4 we must make arrangements for shuttling some of you to the park.
Overflow parking is the parking lot at Black Rock Beach which is 8.2 miles north of the Mayport ferry slip, about a 10-minute drive. For that reason we ask that you arrive at this lot at 5:30 AM so we can get everyone to the state park by 5:45. I will place two driveway reflectors just prior to this lot and a third at the park entrance.
As of 6/23 - For Saturday - Mostly cloudy in the morning with scattered thunderstorms developing later in the day.
Low 75F - High 91F. Winds NW at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 20% after 3PM.
From the Black Rock parking lot to the State Park entrance is about a 2-minute drive.
We need two volunteers to shuttle people from that parking lot to the State Park, after the shuttle is completed they can park their vehicles at the park entrance.
Please read this post carefully plus the included Boneyard Beach Slide Show link.

Where and How
Boneyard Beach is located on the eastern shore of Big Talbot Island. In addition to your photography gear you must bring a flashlight to see the trail since we will be arriving at the beach at pre-dawn. The entrance to the Park is on A1A, 9 miles north of the Mayport Ferry slip. See map lower right.
Boneyard Beach Slide Show
Please click on this link to see the slide show. It may take a few seconds to load. Then in the upper left corner click View and then click Present. Click on each slide to forward to the next.
Park Website Photos
First Light is ~ 5:56 AM / Sun Rise @ 6:24AM / Ebb tide - 4.5 feet at sunrise
The park gate is locked until 8 AM. The park ranger advises that we can park our cars outside of the gate as long as we don't block access to the park, purchase the $3 honor ticket and hang the receipt from our mirrors.
From the park gate we will have to walk about 750 feet through the picnic area to a viewing platform that is about 15 feet above the beach. To the left (north) of the platform is the Island Shoreline Access Trail, a quarter mile trail through hammock and shrub that will take us to the beach access. Just prior to the beach access is another elevated viewing platform.
Jun 23, 2017
We will shuttle everyone to the park entrance
to enter at at 5:45 AM, so we can set up prior to sunrise.
If it rains we will reschedule
Outing Leader Philip DeLisle
Cell: 407-758-0695
Please note: There is a $3 honor fee so please bring the right change. Even though we are parking outside the gate we will be using the park.
Click here to Register
Members who have signed up.
Blue Period: 5:25 - 6:25 AM
First Light is ~ 5:56 AM
Sun Rise ENE @ 6:24 AM (62o true)
Gold Period: 6:30 - 7:30 AM
High Tide 4.9" @ 5:34 AM
Ebb Tide at Sunrise 4.5'
Important Info
Insects may be a problem so bring a good insect repellant with you. You must bring a flashlight to see the trail since we will be arriving at the beach at pre-dawn. Sturdy, closed toe footwear are recommended for the trail. You might consider bring another set of footwear if you expect to get you feet wet. Facilities at Big Talbot Island S. P. include picnic tables, shelters and toilets.
Bring your own snacks and drinks