Thanks to the 11 members who submitted photos for our April virtual outing. There were lots of great images from everyone. Lloyd has a cool branch in his yard where colorful birds take turns perching, Anita showed more of her great motion images, Charise caught some unusual specimens as she always does.
John Montigny got first place with 8 likes for his Osprey as it lifted off with a large fish.
Karen Sirnick got the most likes overall for her six submissions.
You can check out all the images on this link.
Jon's winner is below. He commented, "Cocktail hour this evening, my wife and I were sitting on our deck when this osprey flew in and perched high in a pine across the pond. Knowing it was feeding time I went in and got my camera. Ten minutes later the osprey hit the water and came up with this bass. When they come out of the water they always hover for a second to shake off the water. Fun to capture that moment even if the sun was backlighting."