Go the folder you have named Final Images. Rename these images to match the filenames in the following format. This must be precise. The separation of the images and the editing of the filenames for different purposes depends upon an exact format. If the format is incorrect the entries will have to be rejected.
The format for the filename is:
YYYYQNTA-Jane Doe-Your Image Title.jpg
YYYY is the year as in 2018 or if you are making a test entry use the word: TEST
QN is the Letter Q and a number 1-4. Thus the possible entries are: Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4 (This is the contest quarter for which you are entering)
TA is the Letter T and a letter A-C. Thus the possible entries are: TA, TB, TC (This is T for theme and a designation of the assigned letter for the theme of the contest you are entering.
"-" is a dash. It is not a space, not an underline, not a space dash space. It is just a dash.
Jane Doe is your name. It has no special characters and no periods. If your name is O'Neil you must write it without the special character as in Oneil. Do not use all caps, Do not use all lower case.
Again: "-" is a dash. It is not a space, not an underline, not a space dash space. It is just a dash.
Your Image Title is your image's title. It has no special characters and no periods. If your prefered Title is "Here's Johnny" write it without the special character (') No periods, No All Caps and No all lower case. It would be: Heres Johnny or Here is Johnny.
".jpg" is your filename extension. It is lower case. Do not write is as JPG or JPEG or jpeg. The "." is a period. It is not a comma.